Anya & Husk

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Anya sat on the bar, her legs dangling over the side as Husk served drinks. Anya liked when her uncle watched her because he didn't change how he acted when she was around. He also answered her questions, no matter what they may be about.

"Uncle Husk, what's an idiot?"

"Someone who think their opinion runs the world, and feels they should get whatever they want."

"What's an opinion?"

"It's how people think about certain things, like how you think you have the best dads in the world."

"I do have the best dads in the world!" Anya hugged, crossing her arms over her chest.

"A lot of kids think that, Anya." Husk smirked a bit. He could tell this kid would be a real spitfire when she was older.

Anya quickly forgot she was upset and went back to her questions, "Why do you only drink from your bottles?"

"Because my bottles are my favorite."

"Why do you and Aunt Vaggie yell at each other a lot?"

"...we have different opinions on things."

Anya stopped her questioning, and watched her little legs kick the air as she hummed a song she remembered hearing Alastor singing to on the radio. The usual guest had grown used to seeing the child here, and some even bid her a greeting as they sat down, and a goodbye as they left the bar. Anya knew that the people who stayed at the hotel were here to get better...but she didn't know why they needed to get better.

"I know that look." Husk said, handing Anya a small, nonalcoholic cocktail for her to drink, "What's the question you're thinking about asking, kid?"

"Uncle Husk...why do people stay here?"

Husk faltered for the first time under her gaze. He wasn't sure how to explain to Anya that these people had done terrible things, and were chasing a fleeting hope that they could make up for it. Anya was smart, if she knew that the hotel guest were in Hell because they had done bad things, how long until she realized the fathers she loved so much had done awful things as well? Husk was an asshole, but he didn't think he could break Anya's view of Angel Dust and Alastor, not when her innocently curious gaze was fixed upon him.

"Uncle Husk?" Anya tilted her head to the side, confused by his behavior.

"Anya um..." He couldn't just say nothing, she'd only want to know even more, "People stay here because...well, they made mistakes in their past."

"Grandpa says everyone makes mistakes."

"True, but they made really bad mistakes. These mistakes were so bad, they got sent down here once they'd past away in the living world. Your Aunt Charlie wants to help them fix their mistakes so they can go to heaven."

"What's Heaven?"

"Oh for fuck's sake-"

Husk couldn't keep answering if her questions kept going this direction. It wasn't his place to tell her that outside the hotel, Hell was dangerous and cruel. It wasn't his place to tell her the kinds of things some of these guests had done. It wasn't his place to tell her that the people she loved so much, her own family, had killed, cheated, and lied.

"Oh crap-" Husk suddenly pretended he'd just realized something, "Anya, I'm almost out of peanuts to put out on the bar. Think you can go get me some more from the kitchen?"

"Of course!" Anya beamed, she absolutely loved helping around the hotel.

Husk chuckled and helped her off the bar, "They're on the bottom shelf, next to the bread. Bring two bags, okay?"

"Okay!" And with that, Anya moved her little legs at top speed, weaving through people as she disappeared to the kitchen.

The moment she was gone, Husk let out a long sighs and chugged some booze. He hadn't noticed Nifty coming over, little baby Finley in her arms. Finley was a little boy with his dad's eyes, and his mother's hair, though he had no fur, and was currently in a little jumper that Nifty had made that allowed his little wings to be free to move. Finley's wings were covered in red and yellow feathers, and only fluttered when he was excited, since he wasn't able to properly fly with them yet.

"Are you okay, Husky?" Nifty asked as she sat in a seat directly across from where Husk stood, putting Finley on her lap and letting him lean back against her chest. He was currently sucking on a red binky that had an ace of spades depicted on it.

"Yeah, Anya was just asking me some stuff." Husk smirked and gently ruffled his son's hair, getting a giggle from the baby, "They we're getting a but tough to answer, so I asked her to go get me more peanuts."

"Husk." Nifty said his name disapprovingly, "You shouldn't deflect a child;s questions like that. She'll just ask again later, and she'll most likely ask someone else."

"Good, then I don't have to answer." Husk smiled as Nifty huffed at him.

"You're lucky I'm holding Finley, or I'd smack you with my feather duster." She said.

"No you wouldn't~" Husk leaned over the bar and gave her a quick kiss, "You love me to much to hit me."

Nifty's cheeks turned pink slightly, "...I do." She smiled at him as her frustration disappeared. This woman was the one person Husk didn't mind being soft around, especially when she smiled at him the way she was smiling at him in that very moment,

"How'd I get so lucky?" He chuckled.

"You stole my heart~" Nifty responded, chuckling when Husk's own cheeks deepened in color.

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