Blitzø Sees Stolas

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Here you go Stolas x Blitzø shippers


"You're shitting me."

"No...that's what he said..."

"He could be lying, Stolas!"

"Alastor would never lie when a deal is on the line. Stella is trying to kill me." Stolas was in his robe, knees hugged up to his chest.

"That bitch!" Blitzø was absolutely furious, "What about you're kid!? She'd really take you away from your daughter!?"

"I guess so..."

Stolas wasn't exactly sure how he felt about this information he had learned. He knew his cheating hadn't really hurt Stella, but it had put a dent into her pride. They had never loved each other, yet Stella was the mother of his beloved Octavia. Part of him felt he deserved this for what he did, but part of him felt angered that Stella seemed not to care about how Octavia would feel if he was gone, as she would end up thrust into his position in the Goetia family. She was still so young...

"Stolas, hey..." Blitzø put a hand on the owl's shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know, Blitzy..." Stolas sighed, "I don't know how I feel right's all so mixed up."

"Well ," the imp offered a gentle smile, the two's relationship was slowly building up to something a lot more than business partners who slept together, "I'm here when you figure them out, right after I kick Striker's ass."

Stolas smiled at him, "Thank you Blitzø." Stolas placed a gentle kiss on his lover's forehead, delighted to see his cheeks turn a slight pink.

"Yeah well-" Blitzø suddenly put on his 'doesn't give a fuck' attitude to hide his fluster, "Can't let my ticket to the living world get killed."

"Oh sure~" Stolas chortled, "Because that's the only reason~" He leaned closer, looking over the smaller male a bit.

"Stolas- uh-" Blitzø quickly looked away, "Well I mean the other reason plays into it too..."

"I know it does." Stolas gently titled Blitzø's chin up so he would be looking at him, "I love you, Blitzy~"

"I..." Blitzø's voice got very quite as he muttered, "...I care about you too..."

Stolas smiled and kissed the imp, who eagerly kissed back, pushing himself up so he could push Stolas back against the couch they'd been sitting on. Blitzø had always found actions a lot easier than words, and was much more comfortable like this than trying to say those three words that Stolas seemed to say so easily. He didn't feel that it was fair that the owl could be so cute and and charming, yet had the confidence to say something like that to someone like Blitzø. Though...maybe that's why Blitzø found himself falling in love with him even more the longer they were around each other.

"Stolas..." Blitzø murmured when they'd stopped kissing long enough to breathe.


"I know I'm a bit of an ass-"


"You don't have to spare my feelings, I know I am." Blitzø let a hand gently grab Stolas's as he leaned over the taller man, who was still on his back, "But I um...this has been really nice...I don't think I've told you that..."

"You haven't..." Stolas was a bit surprised with how gentle and vulnerable the tough shelled imp was being.

"Well it is...I'm glad we started um...not just fucking when we're together."

"I feel the same."

"Look the point is, I...I just wanted to say that I..."

"Yes, Blitzø?"

"It's just that I l-"

That was when the phone rang.


Would y'all be interested in a spin off of sorts where I write about what happened between Stolas and Blitzø?

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