Stolas Gets a Call

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Stolas had never felt so bored and lonely since...last week when his daughter left to go to her mother's. The owl was in his bath robe alone, moodily eating a bowl of highly sugared cereal. The Hellanovela episode he was watching was extremely dull, and he could hardly keep focus on it. He desperately wished his dear Blitzo would call and take his mind off of his loneliness.

Blitzo...he hadn't heard from the imp since their fate to Ozzy's. He'd never seen Blitzo look so down, it absolutely broke his heart. Stolas was so worried Blitzo would break off their relationship entirely after that night. He couldn't bear the idea of not seeing Blitzo's face again.

Stolas picked up his remote and started clicking through the channels, trying to find something to catch his interest. He finally stumbled across a channel that was playing the I.M.P commercial, and felt his breath stop when he saw Blitzo's face come across the screen. Tears pricked his eyes and his bowl dropped to the floor, making quite the mess on his carpet, but he didn't notice in the slightest. The prince of hell grabbed one of his couch pillows and hugged it tightly to his chest, feeling like his heart might break in two.

To others it might seem pathetic, a prince of hell crying over an imp he'd slept with a few times, but Stolas didn't care. He loved Blitzo in a way he'd never loved anyone before, not even his ex-wife. The truth was that Stolas had never really loved his wife, and had only married her because of their similar social standing.

"Blitzy...please call me..." Stolas murmured to himself, "I miss you." When he said those words, he meant it with his entire being.

Almost on que, his phone rang, but the smoke that rose didn't say, 'Blitzo', it said, 'Unknown'. Stolas felt a sinking feeling in his chest, a thought popping into his mind about who it was on the other end of the call. The owl was so startled, he didn't pick up until the last ring. Putting the phone up to his ear, the demon prince felt a chill go through him as he heard static on the line.

"H-Hello?" Stolas said into the receiver of the phone.

"Stolas," The voice was to striking to mistake, "I have news for you."

"Alastor?" The owl's feathers bristled at the creepy undertone in the deer demon's voice.

"Yes, it's me~" Alastor chuckled, "You sound surprised."

"You don't seem the type to call."

"I'm usually not, but this is urgent."

"Alright...what's the news?" Stolas felt as if a hot ball of lead covered dread has been dropped into his stomach, making the cereal he'd just eaten feel like it might turn over.

"I know who sent Striker after you."

"Really? Who?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" Alastor's tone was almost playful as he toyed with the higher standing demon, "I'm not sure you'll like the answer."

"Alastor, just tell me."

"Alright~" Alastor cooed, "It was your ex-wife."

Stolas dropped the phone and nearly fainted at those words.

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