Anya & Angel Dust

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"Don't you just look so cute~" Angel cooed as her held Anya up so she could look in the mirror at outfit she was now wearing.

"Pretty!" She exclaimed with pure joy.

"Damn straight!" The spider said, putting her up on his shoulders, a spot she loved to be on. Anya giggled and held her arms up, her little pink sundress flowing around her knees and her braided hair swinging against her back.

Angel Dust stepped out into the hall, the little imp giggling from the top of his shoulders. She was honestly just so cute that Angel's heart wanted to melt. Whenever a hotel guest passed, Anya would wave and shower them with greetings and compliments. Just about every person who ended up at the receiving end of Anya's compliments stopped, shocked to hear such kind words from a denizen of Hell, but each of them just smiled and waved, some even complimenting the little girl in return.

Soon the duo was in the lobby, searching for Alastor. Neither had seen the deer today, and Angel wanted to show off the outfit he had prepared for their daughter. Anya also wanted to show off her new outfit to her other father figure.

"Where is he?" Angel asked to himself, turning this way and that way as he walked through the lobby. Alastor was nowhere in sight, so Angel went to Furfur, who was reading at the bar. He sometimes turned and engaged in small talk with Husk, who actually didn't seem all annoyed by Furfur's presence.

"Hey Furfur." Angel waved and took Anya off of his shoulders, sitting next to the deer with his daughter in his lap.

"Hello Angel Dust, hello Anya." Furfur smiled down at his granddaughter, "Don't you look like a princess today?"

"Papa picked it out for me!" She said proudly, smiling up from her spot on the spider's lap.

"You did a good job." Furfur nodded at Angel and sipped a drink he had in front of him, "So what can I do for you?"

"Have you seen, Al?" Angel asked, mulling over whether or not he wanted to order a drink while he was here.

"I'm afraid not. Why?"

"Anya and I just wanted to show him her new outfit." Angel shrugged with his upper arms, "Any idea where he is?"

"No, but I'm sure he'll be back soon. He never stays away for very long these days." He cast his gaze to Anya for a moment, and Angel Dust picked up on what he was saying.

"Yeah, I guess he just prefers being here now." Angel gave in and ordered a drink, which Husk quickly put into his hand. He wouldn't drink enough to actually get drunk while Anya was with him, but one drink would be fine.

Anya was watching the people around them, her little head leaning on Angel's chest. She looked ready to pass out at any moment, just like Alastor did whenever he and Angel cuddled. The thought made a smile play across the spider's face. The two were so similar in small ways like that, and it was just the cutest thing in the world to him.

"Anya, do you wanna take a nap?" He asked the yawning toddler.

"No I...wanna stay...and wait...for Daddy..." Anya blinked twice, slowly, rubbing her eyes. Furfur chuckled upon seeing his grandchild fighting off sleep.

"Hun, Daddy's not here right now. You can always show him later." Angel Dust picked Anya up with an arm from his top and bottom set and cradled her to his chest. This had become his usual way of getting Anya to fall asleep to make putting her down for a nap easier, and it hadn't failed him yet.

"Your Papa's right my little dragon fly, your dad will be back later."

"Okay..." Anya yawned again, surrendering to the sleepiness that soon overcame her. Her eyes closed and she soon drifted off to sleep, breathing lightly.

"I'll have to put her upstairs." Angel Dust sipped his drink, smiling at the little demon in his arms. He had grown attached to Anya as soon as Alastor had handed her over to him, and he loved holding her like this.

"I'll let Alastor know you were looking for him if I see him around later." Furfur said, setting his book down as he looked at the sleeping child.

"Thanks." The spider smiled, stroking his child's hair as she slept against his chest. He quickly finished off his drink and stood, tipping Husk as he began to walk to the stairs, making his way up to the room that he shared with Alastor.

He opened the door to their room as quietly as he could, leaning down to pet Fat Nuggets as he entered. Closing the door, he shifted Anya into his other set of arms, starting to head to the bed. He put her down and tucked her in, smiling fondly down at her sleeping form, wondering what she might be dreaming about. Fat Nuggets hopped onto the bed and nuzzled up to Anya, getting under her arm so that she was cuddling him. The sight made Angel Dust's heart melt.

The arachnid quickly took out his phone and snapped a photo, making a mental note to show it to Charlie later.  She was a sucker for stuff like this, and absolutely loved seeing cute pictures of Anya. The two were like the best of friends, and Angel found it incredibly adorable, and so did Vaggie. Sometimes Vaggie would even play with Anya, never raising her voice once at the little imp girl, and caring for her like Anya was her own baby sister.

Angel thought it over for a moment, then crawled into bed next to his daughter. Two of his arms looped over her and Fat Nuggets, bringing them both closer to Angel's fluffy chest. It wouldn't hurt to join them for a nap, and Angel was in a sentimental mood. Besides, maybe Alastor would be back before they woke up and join the family sleep pile. The thought brought a smile to Angel's lips.

Anya made a noise in her sleep, and Angel was careful not to make any noise that could wake her up. She soon settled, snuggling Fat Nuggets even more as she drifted back to dream land. Angel Dust smiled and kissed the top of her head, laying next to her again. He soon drifted of to his own dream with his daughter and pet right there with him.

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