Anya Finds A Dog

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"Why can't I leave the hotel myself?" Anya asked, "I'd be careful."

Alastor sighed, "It's not you I'm concerned about darling...some people aren't as nice as Aunt Charlie, or Aunt Nifty. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"But Daddy-"

"No buts." Alastor quickly shot her retort down, and stood up, "Now, I need to get to work. Run along and go play now, alright?"

"Yes Daddy..." Anya stood up and walked away, her little arms crossed in front of her as she just walked in one direction.

It wasn't fair, everyone else could come and go, but she could never leave unless one of her dads was with her. She couldn't even step a few feet outside the door, and it made her very mad. As much as she loved the hotel, her curious nature was urging her to go exploring. She had a serious case of cabin fever, and no way to get rid of it...or did she?

Anya looked up for the first time since walking away from her father, nearly tripping over her red sneakers. In front of her was the backdoor of the kitchen. She'd seen Husk use it to go put the thrash out, and knew it lead out into an alleyway. She was just tall enough to reach the would be so easy.

"Daddy and Papa said not to go alone..." She looked away from the door guiltily. If anyone found out, she'd be in so ,I h trouble. Everyone would always tell her it wasn't safe for her outside...

"I should find Grandpa." Anya turned to walk away before temptation could take her any further, but stopped when she heard a noise.

"M-Mom? Dad? Why aren't they back yet?"

The voice sounded like a child's, older than Anya, but still rarely young. They also sounded like they were crying, sniffling away tears and sobs through a snot filled nose. Anya felt her heart go out to the owner of the sad voice, being the compassionate little imp she was. Just the sound of someone so sad made her turn back around, and without the slightest hesitation, she grabbed the handle...turned...and pulled the door open.

Stepping into the alley, the first thing Anya noticed was how dark it was, the red hues of Hell doing nothing to help her see. Anya picked up a loose piece of concrete and set it so the door wouldn't close all of the way. She'd seen her Uncle Husk get locked out because the door had closed behind him. Once the door was secure, Anya took another step into the alley, and looked around, trying to find the source of the crying.

A bit closer to the side of the alley near the street was a small figure, curled up with their knees hugged to their chest, crying. Anya stepped to them, quietly and quickly, fearing she'd scare the child off. It wasn't until she was closer that she spoke, softly, just like how her Papa spoke to her when she was upset.

"Are you okay?"

The kid jerked their head up, revealing Ruby red eyes, and a coat of silvery grey fur. Anya was standing in front of a hellhound pup, one who had to have been eight at most. His fur was matted and dirty in some spots, and his bare paws were covered in scraped. His jeans were torn at the knees, as if from a bad fall, and his shirt hung off of him loosely in tatters. This poor boy was severely underfed, and looked like he hadn't had a bath in weeks. When his eyes met Anya's, as tear filled as they were, he still growled.

"What do you want, imp?"

Anya suddenly huffed and bopped the top of his head lightly with her hand, "Now don't be rude! I was just trying to help!"

"Ow- okay, I'm sorry-" The hellhound held up his arms to shield himself.

"Now," Anya held out her hand, using h the manners she'd been taught, "My name's Anya."

The boy stares at her hand, then at the strange girl, but shook it, "Rider."

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