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"Smiles, you've really outdone yourself with this one." Angel Dust said with a content smile while he leaned against Alastor's shoulder, playing with his currently brown hair. The two sat on the picnic blanket together, watching everyone run around in the garden. Husk, Nifty, and Finley were off by themselves, smiling as Finley walked between them. Charlie, Vaggie, Rider, and Anya were playing an intense game of kickball, Anya's shadow cheering them on from the sidelines. Furfur sat with Fat Nuggets in his lap, having what looked like a pleasant conversation with Millie and Moxxie. It was as if they were all alive once more, enjoying life, and unbothered by all of the horror they'd seen.

"Just...glad to have done something useful..." Alastor said with a gentle smile on his face.

"You always do useful things, Al." Angel chuckled, "Don't sell yourself short."

"I just...wish we could all stay like this." Alastor admitted, "I can't believe that I've gotten to the point where seeing everyone so happy...makes me feel this content."

"Why's that such a surprise?" Angel asked, looking over at his lover.

"Because my dear, it leaves me wondering if Charlie's theory of rehabilitation might actually work."

"What- Alastor you actually-"

Alastor let out a small chuckle, "I know, it's rather surprising for myself to think such a thing. It's just...after all of this...I can't help but realize that Charlie was right."

"You actually think sinners can get into heaven?" Angel Dust asked, looking disbelieving.

"No...that part hasn't changed." Alastor turned to Angel, the most thoughtful look on his face, "But...she was right about sinners having some good inside them. I mean look at've been clean for some time now, and I haven't killed anyone in...I honestly can't remember when. Husk barely drinks more than a bottle a day, and is taking his duties as a father very seriously. Nifty hasn't never been so genuinely cheerful. Miss Vagatha is learning how to trust others, and seems to be a good mother for Rider to look up to. My father..." Alastor looked over at Furfur, eyes looking a bit red and tearful, "It's good seeing him like this."

"I'm glad you feel so happy, Smiles." Angel felt his chest getting warm at Alastor's words. He'd never seen the Radio Demon look so at ease and happy.

"Perhaps we should think about putting a garden on the roof of the hotel when we get back." Alastor said a bit absentmindedly, "Anya and Rider seem to really enjoy it, so perhaps Charlie would be open to the idea."

Angel felt a laugh escape him, "Look at you, thinking about putting a garden on the roof of a hotel in Hell. When did you become such an optimist?" Angel wrapped his arms around Alastor, holding him so close that they looked conjoined at the hip, "Not that I'm complaining. I kinda like seeing you like this. It's nice seeing you look so happy."

Alastor took Angel's hand, and placed a gently kiss to his knuckles, "You're a big part of why I'm so happy, mon cher." Alastor felt himself chuckle as Angel's cheeks became a bit pink with a blush.

"You're a good man matter what you did before." Angel found himself saying, and he meant each word.

"...I can honestly say that I'm starting to believe you."


"So this is where they live?" Said the woman Stolas was with, who's three sets of arms were all crossed over her chest.

"Yes." Said the owl, looking around at the bustling shadows that were keeping the hotel running while the staff members were all away, "Though they are all at one of my vacation homes on the surface for the time being."

"When will they be back?" She asked, curling a finger around a lock of white hair that was streaked with bright pink.

"They should only be gone another day. If you wish for me to bring you back then-"

"I'd like to stay." She said with a smile, "I want to surprise my boy and his family."

"Are you sure, Ma'am? It's really no trouble." Stolas's father may have tried to knock some sense of royal status into his head at a young age, but the bird's polite mannerisms, even to a sinner, always won over.

"You're very kind, your majesty, but I'll be alright. Trust me, I've had to deal with worse than twenty four hours on my own."

"Well then, Miss Romano, I suppose this is goodbye. It's been a pleasure."

"Likewise, your majesty. I hope you have a safe trip home."

"Take care, Miss." Stolas disappeared in a flutter of feather wings, leaving the spider soul standing there on her own."

Lucile Romano looked around the hotel and gave a wide grin, "I told you, we'd see each other again, Anthony."


Hey guys, author here. Sorry I haven't been updating chapters like I used to. Life kinda hit me like a crashing train. I still plan on posting to all my fics, but I'm sorry if they end up being really spaced out. I've got a lot going on, and I end up pretty tired because of it. This is the end to this book, but keep an eye out for book three! That's right, I'm milking this story for even longer >:D! Mwahahahahaha!

Who is this mysterious Lucile Romano, and what are her ties to our dear characters? Will we get to finally see Alastor teaching Anya voodoo? Will I finally move on from this one fanfic and try a different ship to obsess over!? Find out in the third and last book for this fanfiction series! No I'm serious, it'll be the last one, I promise-

So Much In Common: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now