an unlikely friend

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"So, I am actually excited for this musical

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"So, I am actually excited for this musical. Yeah, I'm only excited to see EJ get mad and upset about not getting Troy, but I'm excited nonetheless and that's saying something," Nadia said to the camera before the camera panned over to her brother, Marcus.

"How am I related to her?" he asked and Nadia rolled her eyes.

Nadia shut her locker, hearing EJ's obnoxious talking into his phone to tell his fans about the "newest deets". She was about to go tell him to shut his pie hole before Leo stepped in front of her, blocking her path away from EJ.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were auditioning for the musical?" Leo asked, raising a brow.

Nadia gave him a look. "Because it was a last minute decision? And I don't need to tell you everything I do," she said, walking past him so she could make it to the musical's practice on time in the bomb shelter. Luckily for her, her soccer practice and play practice were at different times, so she didn't have to worry about missing anything.

"Well, I could have came and gave you support," Leo said, rushing up next to her.

She stopped abruptly, almost making Leo fall over. "First, when do you care about giving me support? You never show up to any of my soccer games, like, ever. And second, I thought you agreed with me that the musical sucks," she said, crossing her arms.

"Well, since you're in the play now, I decided that—"

"Wait, are you only saying this because EJ's your friend? Because I bet if he wasn't, you wouldn't care," Nadia cut him off, annoyed.

"This isn't about EJ, Nads," Leo said, shaking his head.

"Oh, really? That's surprising because everything always seems to be about EJ and it's convenient that now you only want to be interested in the musical because EJ is in it with me," she said before she walked away from her boyfriend, leaving him in the dust.

She quickly made her way over to the rehearsal room and saw that most people were already there. She sighed, annoyed that Leo kept her from being one of the first people there. Even though she really didn't want to be apart of the musical, she still wanted to be early.

She then saw that there were seats with the characters names on the desk to show where everyone would be seated, and Nadia found her seat beside 'Ms. Darbus'. Good thing she wasn't next to 'Chad'.

"Hey, 'Kelsi'," the redheaded girl, who was sitting in Ms. Darbus's seat, joked. Nadia looked over at her, giving her an annoyed expression. "Okay, then, well I'm Ashlyn Caswell. I'm a sophomore, so you probably had no idea who I was until now. But...I know you!" she said enthusiastically, trying to engage in conversation.

"Wait, Caswell?" Nadia quickly said.

Ashlyn nodded. "Yeah, I'm EJ's cousin. Which means you probably hate me now so..." she trailed off, looking away awkwardly.

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