jealousy, jealousy

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It was Valentine's Day and Nadia was standing in the rehearsal room next to Gina, watching her brother put together something for his boyfriend on the other side of the room

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It was Valentine's Day and Nadia was standing in the rehearsal room next to Gina, watching her brother put together something for his boyfriend on the other side of the room.

"Aw, that's cute," Gina pointed out, also watching Marcus as he was busy making sure the flowers and chocolates were next to each other in the basket correctly.

"So cute that it makes me want to gag," Nadia said as she looked over at Gina, who gave her an odd look. "Sorry. Love has just never been my thing," she told her.

"Completely understandable. That's actually pretty true for me, too. I mean, I've moved around so many times that I've never really had time for love," Gina told her with a shrug.

"Yeah, I've only ever had one boyfriend, who really wasn't even a boyfriend, and he cheated on me so...Valentine's Day is a no from me."

"I can see why," Gina replied with a laugh before EJ walked up to them, wearing all black clothes. "Hey, EJ."

"Whoa, are you going to a funeral or something?" Nadia asked, her lips forming in an amused smile.

EJ looked down and then looked back up sheepishly. "I didn't realize that I chose all black clothes," he told them both. Nadia and Gina glanced at each other and laughed. "What? I guess since it's my first Valentine's Day without a girlfriend, my brain subconsciously picked out sad clothing."

Nadia and Gina laughed at him once again. "Join the club," they both said at the same time, which caused them to look each other and laughed once again.

EJ sighed and shook his head, walking past them. "Hey, we're just kidding, EJ!" Nadia called out after him, but he just walked out of the room. Nadia looked back to Gina. " you think we actually hurt his feelings?"

"Probably not. He'll probably forget about it tomorrow, he's just in a sad mood now," Gina told her. "But...since when do you care about EJ's feelings?"

"Everyone keeps asking me that," Nadia said as she shook her head. "I want to give him and myself a second chance. I realized I was wrong about him and he was never actually doing anything to hurt me like I thought he was. It was just one big misunderstanding and he doesn't deserve to get his life ruined by me," Nadia explained to her. "And that goes for everyone else, too."

"Wow," Gina breathed out. Nadia hummed and nodded. "But, I'm guessing, that doesn't mean you won't tease him."

"Oh, for sure. Even though I'm trying to change, it doesn't mean I can't still have fun."


"Okay, people!" Carlos shouted out, clapping once. "The title song of 'Beauty and the Beast' is the centerpiece of our show. Written at the height of Ashman and Menken's powers and it's their most romantic ballad since 'Suddenly, Seymour'. As a reminder, Belle is finally falling for the Beast and it's not because of Stockholm Syndrome, y'all. Love is love," Carlos finished.

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