you're gonna do great

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Nadia paced back and forth in her Enchantress apparel since she would be in the first scene with Ricky

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Nadia paced back and forth in her Enchantress apparel since she would be in the first scene with Ricky. She didn't think she could get even more nervous compared to last musical's opening night, but the Menkies were on the line and she had to perform well. After seeing North High perform, her nerves were really brought out, too.

And she also wanted to be in a good mood for the pizza date with EJ tonight. She was really looking forward to it.

She then felt someone tap on her shoulder and she turned around to see a scary looking EJ that made her yelp. She had also forgotten that she was wearing the scary nose thing, so he also yelped at the same time as her, making each other burst out laughing after. She then quickly took off the nose thing since she really didn't need to have it on until a few minutes after the opening scene.

"Wow, Kourtney really did your makeup well. If I were Belle, I would reject you, too," she told him before she realized what she had said. "But I'm not Belle. And you're not Gaston. I'm Nadia and you're EJ. Two completely different people," she quickly said after to save herself.

EJ started to laugh again. "You're really nervous, aren't you?" he said.

"Is it that obvious?" she questioned, laughing nervously. "I'm just gonna have to play 3 different parts and I've never never done that before, and the Menkies are on the line and I really can't mess this up and—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay, calm down," EJ said, placing his hands on both of her arms. "You're gonna do great, okay? You're Nadia Coleman, you always do well no matter what the circumstances are," he assured her.

She sighed, looking down and then up at him, calming herself. She then realized that his hands were on her and she blushed slightly. "You've really been helped me a lot lately, you know that?"

"Well, someone wise once told me that we both help each other," he replied, making her smile wide and blush even more.

"I wonder who said that," she said, playing along with the joke.

"Yeah, I wonder who," he responded, staring into her eyes like she was doing. He then looked over towards Nini, who was holding some cards in her hand. "I think Nini is handing out cards for tonight. We should get ours before you have to go on," he told her.

She nodded, walking over towards Nini with EJ by her side. "Ah, there they are! The dynamic duo!" Nini exclaimed, handing them both their cards. "Don't open these till we get to Slices tonight, okay?"

Nadia and EJ both looked at each other at the same time, thinking the same thing. They then looked back to Nini. "Oh," was all Nadia said.

"Is there a problem?" Nini asked.

"I mean..." EJ trailed off.

"We weren't planning to go the after-party if there was one because..." EJ trailed off and the camera flipped over to Nadia.

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