you ain't seen nothin'

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"Oh, my God, it's so obvious that you like EJ," is what Marcus kept saying the whole time on the two planes they took to Spain; the one night they spent at a motel, and once they got out and made their way to the hotel to unpack

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"Oh, my God, it's so obvious that you like EJ," is what Marcus kept saying the whole time on the two planes they took to Spain; the one night they spent at a motel, and once they got out and made their way to the hotel to unpack.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't?" she questioned, even though she clearly did. She didn't know what happened. She just...realized she liked him. She didn't know if she liked him this whole time entire time and she was just using the hate thing as a mask or what, but now she knew that she definitely did.

"Zero times because no matter how many times you do tell me, I won't believe you," Marcus said as they continued to unpack. Luckily, her parents were in the connected room over so they weren't hearing this conversation. She didn't want them to mess anything up between her and EJ since they definitely knew that she hated him once before.

"You literally suck," she complained, taking out her computer to get ready to get on the Zoom call Ms. Jenn was setting up.

"Hey, I'm just saying if that I couldn't resist his charm way back when, then there is no way you can now," she told her, putting his hands up in defense.

Nadia rolled her eyes. "Just come over here and get on this call with me," she told him.

Marcus groaned and came over to where she set up the computer, the both of them sitting next to each other in the two chairs that were in the room. Nadia then went into the meeting, seeing that Ms. Jenn, Nini, Carlos, and Seb were already there.

"Well, hello my favorite twins!" Ms. Jenn greeted excitedly. "How is your trip going so far?" she asked.

Nadia gave Marcus a quick glare before she looked back to the computer. "Just swimmingly," she told her teacher.


Ashlyn and EJ then joined the call, the both of them saying, "What's up?" in weird voices, making Nadia laugh.

"Hi, y'all!" Nini said with a smile.

"Hi!" Ms. Jenn said with a laugh.

"Sorry. Our parents all went to Park City together and left us to watch the house," Ashlyn explained as EJ moved to the other camera. "We've been streaming old movies."

"Yeah. Watched Scary Movie last night. Ah! What a classic," EJ told them, making butterflies swirl in Nadia's stomach at his natural voice.

"Never heard of it," Seb said.

"Old?" Ms. Jenn asked since it clearly wasn't old to her.

"You guys are watching, like, old, old movies," Nini pointed out.

"Was it actually scary?" Nadia asked, staring right at EJ's video even though no one could tell.

HATEFUL LOVE | ej caswellWhere stories live. Discover now