miss jenn?!

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All of the Wildcats sat around Miss Jenn and began to excitedly ask her questions about why she was here as well as express their happiness that she was here with them.

She then clapped and said, "Wildcats!"

"What are you doing here?" Carlos questioned happily.

"EJ asked me for a couple directing pointers and I had already been back from my Caribbean cruise for 15 minutes, so I drove here," Miss Jenn revealed to all of them.

"Wow," Carlos said in awe.

"Are you tired?" Ricky asked in concern.

Miss Jenn hesitated before answering, "It's starting to hit me." Some of them chuckled a little at that. "But — Uh — Tell me about you. What is happening with the show?"

"Kourt and I got Elsa and Anna," Gina told her before the three women shrieked excitedly.

"I got Olaf," Carlos announced. "But there's no dressing room, so I basically spend all day in the costume."


"I'm the Duke of Weselton," Marcus added with a shrug.

"Oddly enough, I see that," Miss Jenn pointed at him and Marcus grinned. She then looked over at Nadia before she remembered, "Oh, yes, wait...EJ told me you were his co-director. That definitely makes sense to me."

Nadia nodded with smile, glancing at EJ who smiled back at her. How could I have been so mad at him? she thought, wanting to punch herself in the face for their ridiculous argument.

"And I'm Kristoff, but maybe my dad already told you," Ricky assumed.

Miss Jenn nodded, "Oh, and remind me later, he sent me with an early birthday gift for you." Ricky nodded at that. "Oh, and who are you playing, Ashlyn? Are you Anna and Elsa's long-lost sister who they discover on ancestry.com?"

"We're not allowed to add parts to this one. I checked. Several times. I'm actually in the ensemble," Ashlyn told her, feeling a little embarrassed.

"A musical is a beautiful body. The ensemble is its sturdy backbone," Miss Jenn said to try and cheer her up, and a faint smile made its way up to the redhead's face.

"Oh, sorry, guys. We have to get back to the climbing wall or we're gonna forfeit the whole game," EJ jumped in quickly.

"Oh, boy," Kourtney breathed out nervously.

"Oh, Miss Jenn, do you wanna come watch?" Gina queried.

"Oh, I don't have my theater glasses or athletic footwear," Miss Jenn responded, not really an outdoorsy person.

"Come on, Miss Jenn. Let's go to camp," Carlos urged, holding a hand out to her.

Once they were able to convince Miss Jenn to watch, the climbing wall challenge commenced. The walls were pretty big, but Nadia wasn't too scared. She had gone rock climbing before and she was pretty good at it, but then again, she was a pretty athletic person.

"This is our final athletic competition before the big sing-off. We'll do a series of sprints mano-a-mano, and one player will prevail each time," Val announced once the other wall climbers were finished. "Okay, um, Kourtney, Gina, you're up."

"Let's go, Gina!" Ricky cheered a little too loud, earning a suspicious look from Nadia. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing," Nadia brushed off, and now it was Ricky's turn to be confused. Nadia just looked forward, noticing Kourtney's very anxious stance near the wall. "Oh no..."

"I feel so bad for Kourt. She seems really scared," Marcus commented quietly to his sister, walking up next to her.

"I know. You think they would let her switch out with someone?" Nadia asked him and her brother shrugged, making her sigh.

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