frozen is not the only thing that's cold

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"Okay, let's have you and the rest of the Care Bears get this love fest over with, huh?" Channing said to EJ as he took out his camera.

"I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised today," EJ told him after glancing at Val next to him, causing Nadia to glare at the both of them since she had been watching onstage from next to Kourtney.

"I haven't been pleasantly surprised since Survivor: Nicaragua," Channing responded flatly.

EJ blinked before he turned around to where most of the people had been. "Everyone, give a warm welcome for Channing!" he clapped.

"Pretend I'm not here," Channing quickly cut in.

"No welcome for Channing," EJ corrected himself.

"Hey, everything good with you and the, uh...director?" Kourtney inquired about since she had noticed Nadia's face.

Nadia forced a smile, which caused Kourtney to awkwardly laugh because she hadn't seen this much anger in Nadia since she had changed. "I think he's confiding in Val about stuff. I don't know how much stuff, but stuff. And I guess I'm just really self-conscious about it after the whole with Leo and whatnot."

"You think he's cheating on you?" Kourtney asked with wide eyes.

"I mean...maybe," Nadia answered and Kourtney's face scrunched up, looking over at EJ and Val talking to one another very closely.

The two then pulled away from one another. "Alex, Emmy, Carlos, place for A Little Bit of You, please. Kill the lights, please," EJ directed.

Carlos, Emmy, and Alex rehearsed before Carlos started to interrupt, trying to be the instigator. "Okay, stop, stop. Turn on the lights," Carlos broke character once Emmy and Alex tossed fake snow onto him. "Um, I'm sorry, but is this supposed to be fake snow?"

"Uh...Olaf? You can speak," Alex improvised awkwardly.

"Not to instigate anything here, but this looks like sea salt," Carlos poked.

"Did I take the wrong prop?" Emmy questioned her best friend, causing Channing to start to smile since he was being entertained with the newfound drama.

Maddox began to fake cry. "I tried my best, okay?" she said, dabbing at her eyes that weren't even wet.

"We literally don't care!" Nadia shouted from the other side of the stage before she winked, showing Maddox that she was only playing the part. Kourtney chuckled quietly from next to her, covering her mouth.

"Aye, that was cold," Dakota joked before he looked directly at Channing's camera. "Get it? Because this is Frozen?"

"You guys, my head isn't a funnel. Can we at least try for my feet next time?" Carlos suggested to the girls, ignoring Dakota's joke.

Alex furrowed her brows. "Are we being punked?"

"At this point, I'm legally a margarita!" he yelled, earning very confused looks from the girls.

"Did he forget to tell them about the plan?" Marcus whispered to Maddox and Ashlyn.

"Probably," they both said at the same time.

The whole cast continued to go through rehearsal causing drama from out of nowhere, causing Channing to want to record their every move.

Ricky and Gina even displayed a very realistic performance of What Do You Know About Love?, Ricky pretending to be jealous after the fact since he was supposed to be her jilted ex. Luckily, for her, she got to see EJ wearing a ridiculous reindeer costume, cheering her up a little bit to see him so embarrassed.

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