homecoming "heartbreak"

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"Too big

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"Too big...to go down!" was the first thing Nadia heard when she entered the girls bathroom. Today was her and Marcus' birthday, and coincidentally the Homecoming dance. She was trying to hide from Marcus' friends who would sing to the both of them in the hallway embarrassingly even though it was mostly just for Marcus. While Marcus loved celebrating their birthday, Nadia really didn't and never really told anyone when her birthday was for that exact reason.

"Top then things I never wanna hear in a public bathroom," Kourtney said as she stopped in front of her.

"Uh, yeah, that was...odd," Nadia said, causing Kourtney to glance over at her and give her a look that read 'help me'.

After the little girls night that the three of them had last night, they started to get along pretty well with each other. Surprisingly, Nadia was getting used to the whole friend thing and actually enjoyed both girls' company.

"What are you do—" Kourtney gasped when she opened the door, seeing Nini trying to flush a dress down the toilet. Nadia stepped over to the side to get a better look, a puzzled expression on her face as her and Kourtney glanced at each other.

Nini looked back to the both of them. "I'm flushing my Homecoming dress down the toilet," Nini said before the three of them burst out laughing once they all made eye contact.

"Are we still on that? Look, I know you're still mad at EJ, but there are healthier ways to move on!" Kourtney told her.

"Yeah, like punching him the face," Nadia suggested with an entertained smile on her face while Kourtney just shook her head disappointedly. "What?! He deserves it."

Nini shook her head. "This is not mad. This is empowered. I-I'm done with boys who think they can control me, and exes who can't even handle being friends. I am done with boys," she said, kicking the handle on the toilet to try and flush her dress down again. It looks like Nini didn't take Nadia's advice from last night at all.

"Nini, you need help," Kourtney said before Nini picked the soaking wet dress out of the toilet and started walking out of the stall.

"Uhh," Nadia said, backing away so the toilet water didn't drip on her.

"No. You know what I need? Like, like, actually need?" she started, dropping her dress in the sink before she turned to face them. "A girls night."

"Uhh, didn't we do face masks and The Bachelorette last night?" Kourtney said and Nadia nodded.

"No, I'm talking about, like, a night on the town. I miss my bestie," Nini said. "And my new bestie," she added, looking at Nadia.

"Mmm. So, it's like an anti-Homecoming Homecoming?" Kourtney asked and Nini nodded. She gave her a high-five. "I'm down!"

"I would love to do that, but I'm going to Homecoming with my boyfriend and if I don't go, we'd probably break up, so I have to go. I'm sorry, maybe you can find someone else? Or just go with each other?" Nadia suggested before a toilet flushed in one of the stalls and Ms. Jenn came out with an excited smile on her face.

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