second chance

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What did I do wrong? I thought we finally got past everything? she thought to herself, blaming herself for ruining her chances with EJ

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What did I do wrong? I thought we finally got past everything? she thought to herself, blaming herself for ruining her chances with EJ. Why would he barely know her? They had connected so well over the past few weeks.

Nadia continued to wipe at her face with the tissues she had, not knowing what to think.

"Nadia, hey. Comin' to Slices?" Nini asked, walking into the room with Gina next to her.

"I'm not really in the mood to go. I'm kinda tired, actually," Nadia told them, trying to quickly wipe her eyes so the girls didn't see she was crying.

Nini and Gina glanced at each other in concern, walking over to Nadia. "Hey," Nini said comfortingly as the two girls sat on either side of her.

"What's going on?" Gina asked.

Nadia wiped her wet face again, swallowing hard. "I just had this one good plan to go out with EJ tonight and he just cancelled. So the one time I was actually planning something nice, it doesn't even work out," Nadia told them, looking down.

"Oh...You can go tomorrow," Nini said to her, trying to fix it.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's only because of the after-party tonight," Gina assured her and Nini nodded.

Nadia shook her head. "No, he cancelled, guys. For good," she said, trying to stop herself from letting out another sob.

"Nadia, I don't know what's going on between you and EJ, but you are a force of nature," Nini told her.


"You have this energy about you that's so—"

"Untrustworthy?" Nadia cut her off, licking her lips as she tried not to continue crying.

"Powerful," Gina said, making Nadia look over at her.

"If I'm so powerful, then why am I crying over some stupid guy? I've never cried over a guy before," Nadia said, rubbing her face again.

"Trust me, I've cried over plenty of guys, and I think I'm pretty powerful," Nini assured her with a sad smile.

"Yeah, me too, and it doesn't make you any less powerful. Actually, I think it makes you stronger," Gina told her. "I mean, it's made me stronger."

"And I'd say any guy would be lucky to have you, but that's not the point. Truth is, we're all lucky to know you," Nini told her.

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