i wish you would

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The show was going great so far, no mishaps happening which definitely wasn't pleasing Channing. It was making Corbin happy, though, which was definitely more important.

Nadia and EJ were being pretty good directors, making sure everyone was going on at the same time and the props were working. And although they were working together, they barely even talked. It was just better that way for right now.

But everything seemed to be going smoothly until Kourtney's performance of "Let It Go." She had been doing amazing until the lights and music somehow shut off, interrupted the whole entire performance.

The audience seemed to come up with a quick solution, though, by turning their phone flashlights on so Kourtney could continue. But, Gina decided to get to the bottom of why the everything turned off and she figured out that Channing was cause of it so she turned them back on.

She then did a quick change into Elsa's blue dress, making the crowd erupt in cheers. Nadia watched with a proud smile on her face, clapping enthusiastically once Kourtney had finished the song.

She also could've sworn she heard Nini's voice in the audience. And she had been right when she had received a note from the girl like some other people had as well.

However, she didn't have time to seek out the girl, since she was busy directing people where to go, until the end of the show.

She was able to catch her going out to her car. "Hey, Nini!" Nadia called out, which caused Nini to turn around. "Hey, I got your note. Thank you."

Nini smiled at her. "You're welcome, but...you really weren't supposed to see me," she replied with a soft laugh.

"I know, but..." Nadia trailed off, looking down. "EJ and I broke up."

Nini's eyes widened. "You did?" she asked and Nadia nodded sadly. "I'm so sorry," she apologized, bringing Nadia into a hug.

"No, it's okay, it's just...this whole summer I've been tasked with making decisions. And they've been hard ones, but it's time to start making them for myself. Which is why I'm here. I need to ask you a favor," Nadia told her.

"Yeah. Anything, Nadia," Nini nodded since Nadia had been there for her in the past.

"Do you think you can drive me back home?" she asked. "I know you're probably on your way somewhere, but EJ drove me here and I just don't think I can sit in a car with him for hours."

Nini smiled at her. "Of course I can. Come on." Nadia grinned gratefully at her before the two got into the car, Nini driving away from camp.

She hadn't informed anyone of her leaving, only Marcus so he wouldn't worry and he promised not to say anything.

After a little while of driving, she had gotten a phone call from EJ. She looked down at her phone, debating on whether or not to answer it and she decided not to, not wanting to back out of her decision.

She had also gotten a few texts from her friends and she had answered those, telling them she had been okay and she decided to leave early with Nini. She knew they would probably tell EJ, but she just knew she couldn't speak with EJ just yet. She needed to make a few more decisions for herself.

But after listening to her own thoughts for hours in Nini's car and finally making it back to Salt Lake around 2 A.M., she began thinking of her short time with EJ. She didn't want to say she made a mistake, but she knew she had.

She could still be with EJ and go to Duke. She could still be herself and be with EJ. It wasn't then who messed it up, it was all Dakota.

She then began to envision herself in EJ's car, taking late night rides like they used to on the weekends before going to Camp Shallow Lake.

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