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"Hi. Thank you all for coming to rehearsal in the morning. I know it's a crazy day with the career fair and all, but given all your behavior last week, I believe we are lucky to be rehearsing at all," Ms. Jenn said to them all that morning. Nadia quickly hid a yawn. "For future reference, singing and dancing, good. Breaking and entering, bad."

"Ms. Jenn, we didn't break anything," Seb told her.

"Would you like me to be the first?" she questioned almost immediately.

"I'm good," Seb said, shaking his head.

Carlos raised his hand for a second. "Okay, I'm just going to say it. Zack Roy stole our Beast mask. Why are you not freaking out?" he asked Ms. Jenn.

"Because winners don't freak out, Carlos. They rise. When they go low, we sing high," she explained before she sang a high note, making them all exchange glances and noises of surprise.

"Well, that definitely woke me up," Nadia commented, stretching slightly.

"No kidding," EJ said from next to her, making the both of them chuckle slightly.

"After the whole fake boyfriend and girlfriend thing, EJ and I seemed to have gotten a lot closer than I ever expected we would be. And it's actually pretty nice getting along with him. We actually compliment each other pretty well," Nadia told the camera with a smile before she shook her head and said quickly, "Compliment each other as friends. We compliment each other as friends. We have a great friendship." She gave the camera an awkward smile.

"Okay. Let's rehearse. EJ, remember where you are emotionally. Belle has just rebuked your marriage proposal and LeFou is rallying the guys, and girls," Ms. Jenn said, sending Nadia a smile, "to boost you back up. And remember Nadia, you have to act totally head over heels for Gaston as you sing and dance." Nadia nodded, looking over at EJ, who was also nodding. "Let's hit it."

Nadia walked over to front when Big Red, cracking her knuckles and neck to get ready. "Doesn't that hurt?" Big Red asked her.

"Not if you do it correctly," she told him and he nodded slowly. She then sat down beside Big Red on the chest to his right, throwing her leg over her other and sitting straight up to pose as the Bimbette she was playing. EJ then walked over and positioned himself on the chair next to big Red.

"Go get 'em, Biggie!" Ashlyn called out.

"Thanks! All good!" Big Red said, sending his arms out.

"I wasn't saying you weren't. Just know that I am loyally rooting for you, okay?" Ashlyn clarified.

"Oui, oui," Big Red replied in French, shrugging.

"You ready, guys?" Nadia asked the dancers that were already sitting at the counter behind her and they nodded. She then looked over and gave EJ and Big Red a thumbs up before she repositioned herself.

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