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Another TW for character death.

-Third Person-

Hedy kept looking back to make sure A.J. wasn't following her and Jessie as they continued to run down the neon green hallway. Flashes of all those people's bodies, including the real BSB were running through her mind and she couldn't help but let the tears fall down her face; the band was dead, along with two of her sorors and her housemother. The only soror she had left to protect was Jessie, and she was praying that they'll find a way out of this castle and go home.

Luckily, there was a room at the end of the hallway, so Hedy kicked it open with her boots, ran inside, and locked it. Jessie got off of Hedy and still had her ears covered. The music then faded away. Hedy took out the ear coverings.

"The music stopped. Thank god" she said, turning on the light, revealing the room to be an unkept, dusty library. Jessie removed her hands from her ears and gave her a look.

"Hed, you're crying" she said to Hedy.

"I know. I can't believe they're actually dead" she replied, sitting on top of the dusty table.

"Cher, Vicky, and Mother Joelle, too"

The two girls pulled each other in an embrace as they mourned over the loss of their sorors and housemother. Jessie pulled away from the hug.

"How did you know that they were vampires?" She questioned. Hedy took in a deep breath.

"When I was little, I read about them," Hedy began. "Every night when I went to sleep, I was dreaming about a castle that looked similar to the one we are in right now."

The phone then started ringing.

"A bunch of people, kinda like the dead ones, were dancing and having fun together. Kinda like the Everybody music video, but without the monsters."

The phone continued to ring.

"Until three am hit"

Jessie pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "What happened at three am?"

"The five blood lechers came out, killed some of the inhabitants, and made some of them their blood slaves. Usually at three am, monsters such as vampires, demons, or ghosts are active at this hour. I then woke up crying and my parents were worried about me, so I explained everything to them and we prayed every night that it will not happen. But, look where we are now"

The phone then stopped ringing.

"Aren't monster-like creatures against our religion?" asked Jessie.

"Yes, but I have no idea why they would appear in my dreams," responded Hedy. "Anyways, let's get some sleep."


Jessie and Hedy were sleeping, despite it lightning and raining outside. Before they went to sleep, they made sure the door was completely locked so that the five lechers won't come in and grab them while they're asleep. However, thunder roared loudly, causing Jessie to wake up. She noticed Hedy was heavily sleeping, so she didn't bother to wake her up. Grabbing her flashlight, she made her way out the door and walked down the hallway.

After going through the blood-drenched, body-infested floor again, she attempted to open the door again, but it was still locked, and there wasn't even a lock when they first arrived here. She even tried pulling on the door, but it was no use.

"I finally caught you" A.J.'s voice echoed in the silent room. Jessie turned around and shined her flashlight around to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. A.J. then appeared behind her, blocking the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked her as she started to back away from the taller man and onto the stairs.

"N-nowhere. H-honest!" She replied, almost making her way up to the top of the stairs, only to stumble and fall on her back. A.J. laughed at her lie as he straddled her.


"I don't lie"

A.J. licked his canines hungrily at Jessie. Before he can even make a move, he felt holy water hit his skin, causing a burning sensation to form. Jessie looked up and saw Hedy running her way towards her, causing her to smile mentally.

"God, you again?!" A.J. exclaimed, wincing at the pain.

"Yep" was all she said as she kicked him in the face, sending him tumbling down the stairs. She grabbed Jessie, threw her over her shoulder, and started running back to the hallway. However, A.J. grabbed Hedy's leg and tripped her over, dropping Jessie in the process. He then positioned himself onto Jessie's neck as Hedy struggled to drag her away from him.

A.J. put her into a deep hypnosis, leaving Jessie obeying him. He then sucked her blood, draining the life out of the last sorority sister.

"Jess, snap out of it!" Hedy exclaimed.


No response. Jessie laid there motionlessly as A.J. pulled away from her with blood running down his mouth. He zoomed towards Hedy, glaring at her, and before she can even say anything, he jabbed a syringe into her hand, injecting her with a sedative.

"Goodnight, Hedy" was all he said as Hedy fell into a dreamless sleep.

3 A.M. at Night (A Backstreet Boys Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now