Part 8: New Member

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Alice P.O.V

Jasper came in the room, his face was expressionless "Alice, love, I need to tell you something." He said softly.

I looked into his eyes, I already know what he was about to tell me "I know, you're staying with the Denali Coven for a few days" I said.

Jasper nod his head "I'm coming" I said. Jasper sat there motionless, "Alice, you're not coming" he said.

I shook my head "Alice I love you, and I want you safe" Jasper said. Jasper stood up "I'll see you soon" he kissed me and swiftly left.

*Jasper left* I thought

I sat on the bed, staring at the doorway

*Tayna P.O.V*

"My dear Tayna, what do have the pleasure of meeting with me" Aro asked.

I stared into his eyes "I want to join the Volturi" I said. Aro laughed humorously

"My dear, you have no talent that I possess" He said. Aro turned away "The Cullen's have broken a law" I shouted.

He looked back "A law has been broken you say" He said. I nod, he stepped forward and held out his hand.

I touched his palm and he swiftly let go "My dear, this is not enough information. You don't want to end up like your sister Irina, don't you" Aro asked.

I felt rage go through my body, remembering how he ripped and burned my sister to ash. I calmed down "No Aro" I said.

I realized I had a picture in my pocket of Alice at the mall "Wait" I said.

I hand him the picture. His eyes popped "You'll make an excellent member of the Volturi" Aro smiled.

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