Part 17: Worry

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*Alice P.O.V*

I layed down next to Jasper, Renesseme was fast asleep in the other room

"What's wrong Alice" he asked

I looked at him, he wiped the tears from my cheek "What if the Volturi find us. I can't afford to lose my family, or you" I said

Jasper hugged me, " I promise, no one is going to take you away from me" Jasper said

"Go to sleep Alice, you need your strength" he said.

I snuggled against his chest and drifted to sleep.

Jasper P.O.V

I guess this was how Edward felt, seeing his only love die a slow death. I couldn't let this happen to Alice, I promised her that our family and our child would be safe

I regret my decision, I knew this would end badly. But I couldn't look her in the eyes and tell her that we were doomed.

Renesseme entered the room "Uncle Jasper, are we safe" she asked

I took a long sigh "Yes we are, now go back to sleep" I said

She ran over and hugged me, yawned, and ran back into the room.

I grabbed my phone from the dresser, I dialed Carlisle's number

Carlisle: Hello

Me: Carlisle, it's Jasper

Carlisle: Are you Alice and Renesseme alright

Me: Yes, we are in a hotel, in Seattle

Carlisle: You need to leave Washington, the Volturi has Demetri looking for Alice. They plan to kill her and the baby

I stiffened

Me: They are not going to touch her

Carlisle: Don't worry my son, just keep them safe

Carlisle hung up, I put the phone back on the dresser. I moved away from Alice and put the covers over her body

I felt Alice's emotions, she was scared, and I was scared for her. She needed to be safe.

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