Part 23: Fight

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Jane P.O.V

I hid in the shadows, watching the Alice and Renesmee walk into their hideout.

My orders were clear from Aro, stalk the prey and when the time was right; Destroy the monstrosity.

Bella P.O.V

I surrounded my family with my shield, The Volturi stared us down.

The silence was overwhelming until Jasper calmed me down. I thanked him with a nod

"I promise Carlisle, we only want the fetus. Alice will live, take our offer now or die" Aro ordered

"I'm sorry Aro, we may be acquaintances, but Alice and her baby are our family" Carlisle said

Aro frowned at his comment "Very well Carlisle, Felix"

Felix pounce on the first vampire, he saw which with me. I was ready to fight, a brownish wolf jumped out of nowhere ripping him to shreds

"Thank you Jacob" I thanked my friend. The rest of the wolves emerged from the trees and stood beside us.

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