Part 9: He's back

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Alice P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since Jasper left. My vision is coming back slowly, Carlisle has been doing ultrasounds and examinations on my baby.

Reneseme sat next to me and put her hand on my cheek, showing me a picture of Jasper "Sorry Nessie" I said.

She showed me a clock "He won't be coming back until tomorrow" I said again. She left to play with her dolls.

I missed Jasper deeply, I longed for his return. Rosalie entered the living room

"Alice, what's wrong" she asked "I miss Jasper" I said. Rosalie gave me a hug "He'll be back soon" she said. I smiled "Thanks Rose" I said

*Next day*

Today is the starting my second trimester and the return of my mate. I've been waiting on the front porch waiting for him.

*1 hour later*

I could hear a car pulling up into the driveway, Jasper came out along with Eleazar, Carmen, Kate, and Garrett.

Jasper was at my side and pulled me to the house, everyone was already in the living room

"Carlisle, we have a problem" Eleazar said "What is it" Carlisle asked. They looked at me


Tayna eyes were red, she wore a grey robe, Aro had his hand on her shoulder, looking pleased with himself


"Tayna has joined the Volturi" I said


Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter, I wanted to be sort of a cliffhanger. I hope you guys like it and leave comments. I have decided that I won't be doing the Q&A until I get comments. I hope you guys comment on this story because I want to hear you opinions, your choice on whether or not it's going to be a girl or boy, and questions for the Q&A. I'll see you soon


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