Part 13: Run

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"SOMEONE WARN ALICE AND JASPER" I yelled coming back to the group. They all looked confused, wondering what was I talking about

"They tricked us, they're in Forks" I said.

Alice P.O.V

The sun began to set, Renesmee was asleep on the couch and Jasper was in the other room.


"Demetri, Felix circle the woods. Find that house" Aro said. Jane stood next to her twin brother Alec. Tanya was in a gray cloak next to a girl I didn't recognize.


"JASPER!!" I screamed, Jasper help my hand

"What's wrong, what did you see" Jasper asked

"The Volturi is here, they're looking for the house" I said. Jasper's eyes darkened. He scooped Renesmee in his arms, grabbed my hand and rushed me to Edward's Volvo.

Renesmee opened her eyes with a confused look on face. She put her hand on my cheek, asking me where are we going

"It's ok sweetie, we're just leaving for a little while" I said. Jasper sat in the driver's seat, the engine growled, and Jasper drove away quickly.

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