Part 3: My Emotions

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It's been a week since eveyone found out I was pregnant, but they're fine with it except Esme. She's visiting the Denali coven and has no idea.

"Alice, can you see anything?," Edward and Carlisle asked together.

"Sorry guys I can't see a thing" I said
Well we're screwd"  Emmett said.

"Emmett's right Alice. If the Volturi find out they want us all dead," Jasper said.

I teared up a little. "Don't you think I tried! At least I try to help," I stormed off crying my eyes out to our room.

I felt a cold hand grabbing my arm, but I just pulled away and slammed the door behind me.


How could I be so idiotic? The love of my life is in pain and I made her feel worse.

I don't know what to do I wish she would get an abortion, but I love her too much to hurt her such a terrible thing.

I went downstairs when Bella and Rose came next to me seeing the hurt in my eyes.

"What's wrong Jasper," they asked in unison 

"I upset Alice and she won't let me in the room," I said

"We'll talk to her. Don't worry," I nod my head and left the house to hunt with Edward and Emmett.


I was crying on the edge of our bed when Rose and Bella knocked on the door, "Alice, are you ok?" Bella asked as she opened the door

"No! I try my hardest, but I'm useless!" I cried somemore in the process.

"Don't say that Alice... You are not useless," Rose stated

"She's right Alice." Bella said. I nod my head. We talked the rest of the night about the baby and Jasper.

We stopped talking when Jasper came in the room. Bella and Rose left the room to give us some privacy.

I stared at him, he sat on the bed, holding out his hands. I jumped in his arms gracefully and kissed him on the lips

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