Part 18: Demetri

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Before I start this chapter, I'm sorry I didn't post when my account turned a year.

I was celebrating my birthday and got side tracked. (I know, no excuse) Anyway it's almost that sad time in every writer's life when the story is almost over.

(I'm not ending early) So I have decided once again to let you guys pick the gender and name. Tell me your thoughts in the comment section.
(Sorry, practicing for YouTube) Now here is the updated chapter of Twilight: New Sun.

"Alice, love wake up" I said in a soothing voice

Her eyes were in shock "Alice, what did you see" I asked

"Demetri is in the lobby" she screamed

I stiffened again, I grabbed Alice and Renesseme. I swiftly ran to the lobby without anyone noticing. I could smell Demetri's scent

"He must have went to check the rooms" I said

I stopped as I saw him staring at Alice, his emotions were filled with happiness from finding his prize.

I growled, Demetri launched himself at me, I hit him to the wall. Demetri got up and lunged himself at Alice. I swiftly moved her and Renesseme behind the manager's desk.

I jumped on Demetri's back, he tossed me to ground "Jasper" I heard Alice yelled

I could see Demetri walking towards them, I could feel Alice's emotions, she was petrified. I got up and launched myself his back again.

I held his head straight, Alice walked away from desk. Together, Alice ripped his arms and tore his head. "Find a lighter" I told Alice.

I ripped the floor boards, and tossed them on his scattered body.

Alice handed me the lighter, I lit his diamond body on fire. I grabbed Alice and Renesseme to the car, and drove back to Forks

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