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*20 minutes later*

"CARLISLE, WE NEED TO HURRY," I growled as he accelerated the car faster. We've been driving for 20 minutes and still haven't made it to where Alice and Renesmee were

"We're almost there," Carlisle assured

I gripped the seat tightly as Carlisle made a sharp turn. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number

J: Alice, Are you alright

???: Uncle Jasper

J: Renesemee, where's your aunt

R: She's in a room with Jane and all I could hear is screaming

J: Don't worry, we'll be there soon ok

I hung up the phone and growled loudly "Jane is there,"

"If she is using her power on Alice, then her or the baby won't last long," Carlisle said

Carlisle continued to drive faster, skipping red lights, and swerving around cars.

After a few more minutes of driving, we stopped at the hideout. I opened the door quickly and rushed into the house. I could hear Alice screaming

"ALICE" I screamed.

I could smell the scent of Jane, Alice, and Renesmee. I ran to the back of the room where it smelled the strongest

"Uncle Jasper," Renesmee ran towards me

"It's ok," I said

She put her hand on my cheek

*Renesmee P.O.V/ Flashback*

I sat on the bed with aunt Alice as she caressed her stomach, "Nessie, I need you to get my phone and call your father," Aunt Alice closing her eyes shut tightly and hyperventilating.

I already knew what was happening, I ran towards the living room only to find Aro's guard Jane with the phone in her hands crumpling it into little pieces.

"Not so fast," I could hear Aunt Alice screaming. Jane had the look in her eyes as I began to drop to the ground feeling pain throughout my body.

She quickly walked away to where my screaming aunt was.

*Present/Jasper P.O.V*

Renesmee let go of my cheek, I quickly went to the back room where Jane and Alice were. I bust down the door

Jane was hovered over Alice with blood over black cloak

"I NEED IT ALIVE," Jane hissed, I pinned her to the wall and shouted for Carlisle

I held her neck tightly ready to rip off at any time. I fell to the ground as the pain grew inside my body

"JASPER," Alice shouted

Carlisle came into the room as Jane made the pain worse

"Deliver the fetus, NOW," She ordered

Carlisle went over to Alice, asking questions I couldn't pay attention to

"You see for decades, I've wanted to take over. I've had plan after plan. Then I heard that she was carrying, I thought that the fetus may be more powerful than even Aro" I couldn't see the expression on her face, but I could feel that she proud

Suddenly the pain stopped, I stood up realizing that I was protected by a shield

"She's mine," I heard a female growled. I looked over, Bella was in the doorway. Jane ran towards Bella

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