Part 12

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Every left to Volterra, leaving me and Jasper alone along with Renessme. My whole body is in pain, I could hardly breathe and jasper wouldn't leave my side.

"Would you mind taking Renesseme hunting with you" I asked. Jasper nod his head understanding I need some space

"Come on Nessie, lets go hunting" they ran into the woods leaving me to sort my thoughts out. I went into my bedroom, I haven't bought any pink or blue outfits for the baby or create the nursery. I was behind schedule

*Edward's P.O.V*

We landed in Volterra

*do you hear Jane's, Tayna's, or Alec' thoughts* Carlisle asked.

I shook my head, I've been so focused on Bella that I hardly paid attention to anything else.

*Volturi palace*

I burst through the doors, I only hear thoughts of my family "Anyone smell anything" Esme asked. We shook our heads "Edward, you and I will see what's going on. The rest of you look around for anyone" Carlisle said. We went out separate ways, I followed Carlisle to the throne room

"Oh excuse me, I'm sorry, but Aro, Marcus and Cauis is not here" the receptionist said coming after us "Where are they" I asked "They took the guards to Forks, Washington" she smiled.

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