Part 2: His Reaction

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"Pregnant!! How could she be pregnant Carlisle!!, "

I tried to calm him down, but he was too angry with himself.

"Jazz relax everything is going to be fine," I said, trying to lie to him and myself .

Jasper ran outside. Rose, Emmet, Bella, Edward, Nessie, and Jacob walked in the room confused on what's going on,  but not Edward.

"What's wrong with the bloodsucker" Jacob said 

"Jake" Bella said, hitting him on the head.

"Jasper having a hard time accepting the fact that Alice is pregnant," 

Everyone had blank stares on their face.

"I've never seen anything like this before...," Carlisle said, pointing at the screen

I stood up and ran to the bathroom once again. Bella came into the bathroom with me, patting my hair as my head was inside the toilet.

"Are you ok Alice," she asked

"Yea, I'm fine Bella", but the truth was I'm hurting on the inside.

I left the room and sat on the couch to wait for Jasper, but I fell asleep before I got to see him. The next morning I woke up in my bed with Jasper's arms wrapped around me, looking at my eyes.

I felt his gift making me feel better about everything that's going to happen.

"You know I can't lose you Alice, who knows what could happen. I felt every emotion that Edward felt when Bella was pregnant...," he said.

I stared at him smiling "I know Jazz,"  I pressed my head on his bare chest, looking at his eyes, hoping I would never pull away.

I jumped out of bed and darted towards the bathroom.

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