Part 1: The Find

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*Alice POV*

My body against Jasper's felt warm and smooth as his fingers trailed down my sides, "I love you Jazz," I moan

"I love you too Alice," he said, holding my waist tight. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I stopped and started to cry, which was weird cause vampires can't cry. Jasper stopped kissing my neck when he felt I was crying.

"What's wrong Alice, are you hurt?" When I was done crying, I told him about the sharp pain in my stomach.

He told me to get dressed and to meet him downstairs with Carlisle. Before I ran downstairs, my face turned green and made a detour towards the bathroom.

I felt so sick I didn't know what to do, Carlisle came inside our room telling  Jasper to carry me downstairs to the living room.

I didn't know want was wrong with me, but I don't like it. Jasper sat me down on the couch gently, then started asking me are you ok or are you hurt.

My same answer was, "I'm fine Jazz, don't worry," Carlisle finally came in with a IV and an ultrasound for some reason. "Jasper can I have some eggs?" I asked.

"Alice, are you sure you're ok... You want human food." he asked

"Yea, I have been craving human food since this morning" I explained the many cravings I was having. Carlise put some gel on my stomach and hooked me to the ultrasound.

"What is that speck Carlise?," Jasper asked

"Alice..... You're pregnant,"

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