Part 22: Fire

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Edward P.O.V

Jasper packed all of Alice's clothes,

(E=Edward/ A=Alice)

A: Edward, what is Jasper thinking about

E: He's scared Alice, he doesn't want you getting hurt

A: What about you

I hesitate to answer, Jasper zipped up the last suitcase.

"I love you Alice" he whispered in her ear.

I walked downstairs, Bella was sitting next to Renesseme. I walked over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace

"Bella, I need you to with Renesseme and Alice" I said sternly

She shook her head

"No... Edward I'm not leaving my family" she said

"I don't want you getting hurt" I said

Bella kissed me passionately

"Don't worry about me, Alice and our family is our main concern" Bella whispered


Alice and Renesseme left right before The Volturi came back, they were furious about Demetri


One guard stepped up next to Cauis, I couldn't read her thoughts do to Bella's shield.

"Hannah is our newest member, she has a ability similar to our friend Benjamin, but her she control fire" Aro said

Felix held a lighter in his hands, the flame popped out.

The girl moved her hands and made the flame bigger, then shooting it to a nearby tree. Turning it to ash.

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