Part 5: The Cravings

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Its been four months now and my stomach is really big.

"Rose! Can you and Esme help me make brownies?" I asked

"I'll help you aunt Alice" Nessie said. I got the brownie batter and a big bowl with a wooden spoon. We made about two pans, but Jacob, Nessie, and I ate it all.

"Hello Alice" Jasper said as I got up from my chair to kiss him.

Carlisle came in the kitchen with a stressed and heartache look on his face "Jasper can I talk to you" he asked staring at Jasper only.

"Sure thing Carlisle" Jasper said as they walked out of the room.

I followed them outside and hid behind a tree, "Jasper it may be a possibility that Alice and the baby won't make during the birth. I didn't want to tell Alice because her stress will endanger the unborn child."

I saw Jasper rip a tree from the ground besides him and broke it in half. "How is this possible?" he said clenching his teeth

"Alice is not getting enough human  blood in her system" Carlisle said 

"Then we make her drink the blood instead of human food" Jasper said

"Its not that easy Jasper, she needed to keep eating both foods." Carlisle said

"So it either my death and our child or drink more blood?" They turned towards me as I interrupted their conversation

"There is one more option. You get an abortion" he said.

"No I'll try to survive. I can fight this." I said.  Jasper walked away breaking more trees in his path

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