Part 4: The Family

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Esme came home a few days later. She took everything wonderful, she also said that the Denali coven is coming to visit next week to see the rest of the family.

"Jazz I can't fit my clothes and I'm almost 1 month pregnant!," I groan, attempting to pull my shirt over my stomach

"Don't worry Alice, we'll go shopping right now if you like," Rose suggested

"I would love that, let me get ready first!"

"I'm coming too." Jasper stated

I just nod my head and packed the human blood Carlisle gave us, and Jasper gave us hoodies in case the sun comes out.

It took us almost an hour to get everything packed and ready.

Before we made it out the door Carman and Tayna walked came inside.

"Hi Alice, it's so good to see you," Tayna greeted.

She hugged me on my side and then sniffed the air. " Alice you smell different,"

"Not to be rude Tayna, but it is none of your business" Jasper hissed, putting his hands around my waist, leading Rose and I to Edward's volvo.


"Carmen, Tayna your early. Where are the rest of the family" Esme asked  excitedly

"They couldn't make it, but the promise to come on the next trip" 

I walked over to Tayna and Carmen. "I hope I can control myself over him," Tayna thought

"I really hope Garentt comes soon," Carmen thought.

"Where is Bella?" Tayna asked

"She went hunting with Emmett and Jacob," I said.

"Edward we need to talk" she asked "Of course Tayna, anything," we stepped in Carlise's study. She was yelling her thoughts "Edward, I love you and I want to be with you."

I was speachless "Tayna, I told you how I felt. Plus I'm in love with Bella," I tried to leave the room, but she grabbed my arm

"I could get rid of her for you, then we could be together and We could raise Nessie!" I cleanched my teeth

"If you don't let me go I will get rid of you myself!" I pulled my arm away, but then she pushed my to the wall and kissed me.

Before I could do anything, Bella came into the room and pushed Tayna off of me.

"What the hell is going on?" Bella yelled.

Bella grabbed Tayna by the head ready to pull it off

"Bella what's going on?" Esme asked

"Asked Tayna!" Bella yelled again. Bella ran out the room I tried to follow her, but she was to fast.

Carmen walked in the room, grabbed Tayna by the shoulder "I'm so sorry Edward" she said. Carmen pulled Tayna out the door.

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