Face splitting smile

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Pete encouraged me to buy a gym bag, it can hold my tips and my clothes. I walked into the club with my brand new gym bag hanging by my shoulder. I felt confident, if you made three hundred dollars in tips the night before, you would too.

But, the moment I saw the infamous owner, my confidence drained away. I made a beeline to the dressing room, and avoided all contact with people.

"You okay Gee?" An unfamiliar stripper asked me.

"Yeah, just saw the owner." I say in a quiet voice.

His eyes went wide, "Really? Two days in a row? That never happens." The man states.

I simply shrug and start to get ready for my shift.


od, my underwear was too tight. I didn't realise how bad it was until David pointed it out.

"Woah there buddy, is that cutting off your circulation?" David worridly asks.

"Probably. I thought I got the right size, God damn it. What do I do?" I worry.

David smirks, "I have the perfect idea."


I knew I shouldn't have trusted David when he had that look on his face. But, this is the only option I have.

A skirt.

A light pink skirt in fact. David said 'it went well with my hair.' That dick.

I do have to admit, it is very breezy, and I do look good. I look good in everything though.

I felt even more eyes on me as I got on stage. The extravagance of the skirt really helped me. The tips doubled in size.

God, even with all these eyes on me I can't help but notice the owner.

He was sitting with his legs spread and his arms crossed. He would look way more intimidating if he didn't have a face splitting smile glued onto his face.


Skirt ! Gerard !


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