I didn't die

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"What the hell happened here?" Frank says as he walks over a pile of glass that came from the door. "Gerard? Why are you here?"

I turn over to look at Bob, he had a guilty expression on his face.

"I..." I trail off, I'm not exactly sure what to say.

"I didn't tell you. Gerard almost got stabbed. Well, I don't know if he would have died, but he would have been hurt if it wasn't for Andy." Bob points at Andy, who is sitting and scrolling through his phone like this happened everyday. He isn't even in a state of shock.

"You..." Frank looks at me, "You almost died?!" The realization kicked in.

"You could have fucking died?! Jesus fuck!" Frank stares at me in disbelief, "You, out of all people, get chosen to literally face death." Frank ran up and hugged me. It was a strange position, I was sitting down and he was atanding. So, he was holding onto my head pretty mucch.

"But, I didn't die... So, that's good." I say with a reassuring smile.

"But-" Frank started.

"No buts." I interupt the man in front of me, "I'm fine, I'm not hurt, everything is okay... Well, except for your door. The door isn't okay." I turn the attention away from me and onto the state of the club.

"Yeah... We'll have to get that fixed." Frank says with a small laugh.


I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this book. Lets just wing it!


THE OWNER- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now