Mystery man

543 21 12

I was still in a state of shock when I watched the last police officer drive away.

I turn to look at Bob and this mystery man.

"So..." I clear my throat.

"I guess we should piece the story together." Bob says.

The man next to him agrees with a nod of his head.

We all found a spot in the dressing room to sit. It's a strange spot to discuss such a serious thing. There was strangely small underwear scattered around the room, messy makeup, and God knows what else.

"So, explain what happened." Bob says.

"I got a call, it said it was you but now I know it wasn't. I'm assuming Bo was on the other end. He was telling me that I needed to come in early to clean. I came inside, he locked the door, and threatened me. Then..." I point at the unnamed man.

"Andy." He says with a smile.

"Then Andy saved the day." I continue my story. "What about you? Why were you guys here before all of this happened?" I ask.

"Yesterday I left work, I was going to visit Andy. But, when I got there, I realised I forgot the club keys and my phone. Andy offered to come with me to search. When we got to the club, the door was already unlocked. I thought it was weird but I just walked inside and started searching for my items. That's when we heard Bo. He was in the dressing room... Talking to himself. We hid in the bathroom and listened in on the whole conversation you two had. I decided to call the police on Andy's phone when he pulled out the knife. Not long after, Andy decided to jump in." Bob explained his side of the story.

"I'm going to find my phone and call the owner, he needs to see the damage." Bob points at the brokem door.

I turn to look at Andy, "Thanks, by the way. You really saved me out there." I say with a small laugh.

"It's the least I could do. And, between you and me, Bo couldn't kill you with that dull ass knife." Andy says with a chuckle.

"Alright, he's on his way." Bob states.



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