Very funny

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I swung open the door to the club. "Bob! I'm here!" I shout as I put down my backpack. I swing my head around when I hear a click behind me.

"You've got too be fucking kidding me." I groan.

A grinning Bo stood in front of the door, a key he held in his greasy hand locked the door.

"Hey Gee... Funny seeing you here." Bo chuckles as he walks closer to me. He tosses the key across the room so I have no chance of getting it and escaping.

"Why are you here? I'm here for Bob..." It all hit me at once. "You were Bob?! How did you get his phone?" I ask, panic starts rushing through my body.

I see Bo pull out a phone with a black phone case. The phone lit up and showed a picture of Bob and his family as the lockscreen. It's Bob's phone.

"Bob isn't the smartest cookie. He left his phone and his keys here. A shame, isn't it?" Bo chuckles before he tosses Bob's phone in the same direction of the keys.

Bo sighs, "Remember when you got me fired? Remember thaat?!" Bo yells.

"I didn't get you fired. That's all you." I argue.

"You really shouldn't argue with me right now." Bo pulls a large kitchen knife practically from thin air. Where the hell did that come from?!

"You're gonna try to kill me in a strip club? Real classy." I roll my eyes.

"You really think your clever, don't ya'?" Bo chuckles.

"You're fucking crazy." I state.

"And you think I don't already know that?" Bo steps closer and closer to me. I never realised how the floors creak when any weight is applied on them. The club has never been as quiet as it is now. All I can hear is Bo shoes hitting the wood and the wood creaking below him.

"What are you gonna do? Slit my throat?" I joke.

"Yeah, probably." Bo giggles.

"No you fucking don't!" I hear a voice that isn't mine or Bo's come from across the room.

It all happened so fast. One second Bo is standing in front of me. The next second I see someone tackle Bo. I hear sirens the moment Bo hits the ground.

I look around the room I see Bob in one side of the room and an unfamiliar man pinning Bo down to the floor.

"Don't touch me! I... I have a weapon!" Bo attempted to threaten the man above him.

"Very funny." The man pinning him grabs the knife from Bo's weak hand as he continues to pin him down with his other hand.

"This is the dullest knife I've ever seen." The man laughs as he trys to cut his bicep, "It's garbage." He throws the knife, I hear it clink on the floor.

I hear the front door jiggle, but it's locked cause' of an idiot named Bo. Before I even have time to look for the key, the police breaks down the door.

I feel like I'm in a cop show. There's sirens, red and blue lights flashing, policemen shouting over each other, it felt like a movie.

I watched as the police pulled Bo away. I feel satisfied.




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