You cocksucker

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When I woke up, all I felt was anger. Bo is a lieing bitch! He knew how attached I was to Frank, and he used that to his advantage!

I angerily put on my playboy bunny costume and stomped out of my house.


I got to the club ten minutes early. Ray was behind the bar doing some pre-cleaning. "Hey Ray!" I cheerfully say, I mask my anger the best I can.

"Hey Gee. Feeling better? I was getting worried." Ray says with a kind smile.

"Yeah, I feel loads better." I smile.

My smile immidatly falls when I walk into the dressing room and see Bo.

I silently sit on the only available chair, that happens to be two chairs away from Bo.

"Your costume looks cheap." Bo mutters under his breath.

"What?" I ask. Aanger already boiling inside of me.

"Your costume looks cheap! Are you deaf?" Bo chuckles and rolls his eyes.

I ignore him and keep putting powder on my face and fixing my hair.

"Oh, ignoring me? Is that a trick you mommy taught you-" Bo was interrupted.

"Bo! I need to speak to you." Bob says from the door.

"This isn't over." Bo threatens.

"It never even started." I roll my eyes.

"You think your funny, don't you?" Bo takes multiple steps closer to me.

"Bo! Now!" Bob harshly yells. I've never heard Bob so... Angry.

I don't see Bo until ten minutes later. We are just about to open.

"You cocksucker! You fucking bitch! You got me fired you two faced cunt!" Bo yelled the moment he walked through the door.

David and Pete look at Bo with shocked expressions. Everyone else looked confused.

"Who are you even talking to?" Pete asks.

"Gerard! Obvioulsy! He got me fired! You fucking pet! You probabky suck the owners dick everynight!" Bo huffs as he starts packing his items.

"At least I'm the one getting dick." I wink.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" By now, Bob heard the commotion.

Bo was just about to pounce on me before Bob caught him mid air.

"Pack your shit, and calmly leave." Bob demands in a harsh whisper.

Bo huffs and packs his shit. Before I know it, he's gone.

"Did you really get hin fired? If yes, good job." Pete pats my back.

"No. I just... Talked to some people." I wink.


Bo is gone! I'm loving the comments you guys leave on my chapters!


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