I really don't like this bitch

616 22 26

It went normal. I did my little dance on the pole. I slyly flirted with Frank. Made small talk with Ray, Pete, and David. And went home. I decided to not go home with Frank tonight. I have to give my ass a rest sometimes.

It was all fine until I came into work the next day. Everyone was swarming around Bo. Hushed whispers filled the dressing room.

"What was it like?" One dancer asked.

"Did he treat you the same as he treats us?" Another dancer aks.

The questions were coming so fast that Bo didnt have time to answer.

"What's going on?" I ask as I start to remove my normal clothes to reveal my sexy firefighter outfit.

"Bo had sex with the owner last night!" A dancer excitedly says.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask. Nerves fill my body.

"He stuck his dick inside of me. You know what sex is, right?" Bo rolls his eyes.

Oh, I really don't like this bitch now.

I just laugh it off. Fake smile and keep working.

I quickly put on my makeup without speaking to anyone.

"The owner is here! Do good fellas!" Bob shouts.

"The owner is probably here for me." Bo giggles like a little bitch. The dancers around him laughed with him.

I ignored them and went on stage.

I did a half assed job. I didn't even look at Frank.




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