Chapter 8 - Reunited

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Something was poking Elsa. She stirred, trying to swat it away with one hand while keeping her eyes closed. She was still tired – it was too early to be thinking about things.


She groaned in response and rolled over.

"Psst, Elsa!"

Elsa opened her eyes and slowly rolled back over to see Olaf standing at the side of her bed. "What is it?" she asked groggily. He looked way too excited for this early in the morning.

"Anna and Kristoff are here!"

Elsa shot up. "What?"

"I know! I'm so excited!" Olaf squealed and bounded out of the room.

Excitement was the opposite of how Elsa was feeling, she thought as she got out of bed and quickly got dressed. Anna shouldn't be here. Why couldn't she just stay in Arendelle where she belonged?

As she walked down the staircase, she heard voices. She entered the front room to see Olaf standing there with Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, and Eugene. Anna and Kristoff were talking worriedly to one another, while Rapunzel and Eugene just gazed around in astonishment.

Anna caught sight of Elsa first. "Elsa!" she exclaimed, moving over to her.

Elsa shook her head and took a step back. "You shouldn't be here."

"Please, let's not go through this again?" Anna said.

"No, it's different this time. This has nothing to do with my powers. This is about the rightful heir to the throne."

"I still have no idea what you're talking about."

Rapunzel cleared her throat a little awkwardly, and they all turned to look at her. "Um, about that... remember what I told you back at the castle?"

"That you shouldn't be the one to tell me?" Anna asked. She looked at Elsa. "Well? What's going on?"

Elsa stared at her sister, heartbroken. She looked at Rapunzel. "I... I can't tell her."

"Tell me what?" Anna asked impatiently.

"Elsa, you have to," Rapunzel answered gently. "It won't change anything, and she deserves to know."

"Okay, what's going on?" Kristoff asked, sounding concerned.

Elsa looked at the ground. "I..." She took a deep breath and straightened up. "Anna, Rapunzel and I are twin sisters."

The room went quiet as Anna, Kristoff, Eugene, and Olaf all looked at her with shocked expressions.

"W-what?" Anna stammered. "How – what?"

"My parents told me on my birthday," Rapunzel said. "They gave me a letter to give to Elsa. You can read it if you like; it explains everything and why we had to be separated."

"Wait... does that mean Rapunzel is our sister?"

Elsa shook her head, her eyes starting to well up. "No, no, it means you and I aren't sisters." She hid her face in her hands. "I'm sorry Anna, I thought – I thought we were real sisters –"

"What are you talking about?" Anna asked. "Of course we're real sisters. We grew up together, didn't we? Just because you're biologically my – what, cousin?" She looked at Rapunzel, who nodded. "That doesn't make any difference. We're sisters, Elsa. We have been and we always will be."

Anna held her arms out, and Elsa ran into them. The two girls hugged while Elsa cried into her sister's shoulder.

"Please come back with us," Anna murmured.

Elsa stiffened. "I can't. I'm not the rightful heir."

"Just because you abdicate, it doesn't mean you can't come back with us."

Elsa stood and brushed her eyes. "You're right. I hadn't thought of that."

Jack was right, my solution is always to run away, she thought, surprising herself. Why was she thinking of Jack?

"Yay!" Olaf exclaimed, jumping up and down. "Now we can all go back to the palace and be together again!"

"Yeah, I guess we can." It felt like she was forgetting something...

Her head snapped up. "Merida!"

"What?" Anna asked, turning to look at her.

Elsa blushed. "I, uh, I invited Merida, from the Dunbroch clan in Scotland, to come stay with me here."

Anna looked surprised, but she quickly recovered. "There's no reason why she can't stay with us at the palace, is there?"

Elsa sighed in relief. "No, there isn't."

"Then we'll go back to the palace and wait for her there."

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