Chapter 4 - Merida

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A/N: I do not own this picture.


The room was insanely crowded, and Elsa was almost afraid she'd get trampled on if she walked out. But then the announcer told her it was time to present herself, so she put on her best brave face and entered.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle," the announcer said. Elsa strode to the front of the room and stood tall, gazing out at the room of smiling faces. Inside she was cringing, but she tried her best not to show it.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle."

And then Anna ran in and stood below the steps. The announcer shook his head and pulled her over right by Elsa.

"Oh, here? Are you sure? Cuz I don't think I'm supposed to- oh!"

She took a step away from Elsa.

It's only natural, Elsa thought to herself. We haven't spoken for literally years. But she still felt a twinge of sadness.

Everyone clapped.

Anna cleared her throat and turned away, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hi," Elsa said, smiling.

Anna turned around. "Hi, hi me? Oh, um, hi?"

There was a moment of silence when they both looked at the floor, and then Elsa turned to her sister again. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you! You look beautifuller. I mean not 'fuller', you don't look 'fuller' but more - more beautiful."

Elsa laughed. "Thank you." She turned towards the room, excited. "So - this is what a party looks like."

"It's warmer than I thought," Anna burst out, and then giggled slightly.

"And what is that amazing smell?"

They both sniffed the air. "Chocolate!" they said at the same time and started giggling.

Anna looked like she wanted to tell her something, and started to take a breath, but then the announcer interrupted her. "Your majesty, the Duke of Weasel Town."

"Weselton!" the old, short man in front of her snapped. "Duke of Weselton. Your majesty," he said, stepping closer, "as your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as queen." He then proceeded to do a series of unimpressive moves that ended with a bow, where his toupee fell off.

Anna and Elsa gasped and tried to muffle their giggles.

Elsa cleared her throat. "Uh, thank you, only I don't dance." The duke seemed disappointed until she added, "But my sister does."

Anna snorted and waved her hand, but the duke grabbed her by the arm. "Lucky you," he said, pulling her toward the dance floor.

"Oh, I don't think-" Anna started, reaching out for her sister.

"If you swoon, let me know," the duke yelled. "I'll catch you!"

Elsa smiled and waved. "Sorry," she whispered.

She watched the duke hop around her sister and then dip her. Elsa giggled. Anna made a look of extreme discomfort before being pulled up.

A few minutes later, Anna returned, very out of breath, with the duke calling after her. "Let me know when you're ready for another round, m'lady!"

"Wow, he was sprightly," Elsa commented.

"Especially for a man in heels," Anna said, rubbing her foot.

Elsa laughed. "Are you okay?"

Anna laughed too and nodded. "I've never been better. This is so nice." She looked at Elsa with an expression of joy and desperation. "I wish it could be like this all the time."

"Me too," Elsa said, smiling. But then she looked down. "But it can't."

"Well why not?" Anna began. "I mean, we-"

Elsa turned away. "It just can't!"

After a moment of silence, Anna cleared her throat. "Excuse me for a minute," she said, walking away.

Elsa turned to watch her go. What had she just done? Had she really just pushed away her sister again?

"You alright, Your Majesty?" A voice with a thick Scottish accent sounded behind her.

Elsa turned around. Standing before her was a pale, freckled girl with long, curly red hair in a light blue dress.

"Yes, I'm fine," Elsa replied, looking down.

"You don't seem fine." the redhead observed, looking concerned. Then she smiled. "I'm Merida, Merida Dunbroch."

"Dunbroch?" Elsa repeated. "The Dunbroch clan, from Scotland?"

Merida's smile widened and she nodded. "Yep, the same ones."

Elsa smiled politely and stood up straighter. "Well, what brings you to Arendelle?"

"Your coronation, of course," she said with a small curtsy. Elsa couldn't tell if she meant it or if she was making fun of protocol. This girl seemed to walk on the wild side.

"Oh," she added, rolling her eyes. "And my mum's trying to find me a husband. Somebody with royal blood."

"I take it you don't want to be married," Elsa said. She understood – the thought of marriage, especially for political reasons, had never appealed to her all that much.

"Oh, I don't care. In some ways I think it might be interesting. But not for political ties, and not to a man."

"A man?" Elsa repeated questioningly. "Who else would you marry?"

"A woman, of course," Merida replied, sounding rather astonished. "Don't you know? Not all of us girls are fond of men in that way."

Elsa's eyebrows rose as she pondered her statement. "I didn't," she said, completely genuine. "I thought women only married men."

Merida shrugged and gave her a lopsided grin. "Well, I guess I'm glad to be the one to introduce you to the concept." Her happy look deflated somewhat when she added, "It's rather looked down upon, though. I'm a little worried to tell my parents; I don't know how they'll take it."

"I'm sorry," Elsa replied softly. "I hope everything works out."

Merida's smile returned. "Thank you, Your Majesty." She held out her hand. "Care to dance?"

Elsa looked down, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. "I'm sorry, I don't dance."

"That's alright," Merida said brightly. "To be honest, I'm not much of a dancer myself." Her gaze was caught by something outside of Elsa's line of sight. "Oh, I think my mum's looking for me. Better run." She curtsied again. "It was an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

Elsa smiled. "The pleasure was all mine, Your Highness."

Merida giggled and ran off, and Elsa turned to watch her leave.

A woman marrying another woman? That was something she'd never even considered before. Although, she thought as she watched the energetic redheaded princess bounce around the ballroom, it didn't sound like such a terrible idea.

* * *

Elsa gazed wistfully out across the mountains, remembering the times she'd spent with Merida here at this very palace. Her face lit up as an idea occurred to her. She used her magic to create a sheet of paper and quill, and she hastily wrote out a letter. Then she made a cloud and set the folded letter on top of it. "To Scotland," she whispered, blowing the cloud away.

"Hiya, princess."

Elsa whirled around. Standing behind her was a boy about her age, with stark white hair and pale skin wearing a blue hoodie and brown pants and lazily twirling a staff around. He smiled at her.

Her breath caught in her throat. "Jack?"

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