Chapter 12 - Pitch's Plan

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A/N: I thought these images were a good fit for this chapter. The video that I got them from is linked.

"Let him come in, Elsa!" Anna said, running in from the other room. "We need to hear what he has to say!"

Elsa just stared at her sister, but Anna looked seriously back at her. Finally, she turned back to the attendant. "Alright," she replied coldly. "I will see him in the drawing room."

"What's going on?" Kristoff asked as he, Rapunzel, and Eugene came down the hall.

"Who's Hans?" Jack asked, looking at Elsa.

"Anna's ex-fiancé," Elsa replied, still staring at the door. "He tried to kill us."

"What!" Jack exclaimed. "And you're letting him come talk to you?"

"It's not that simple!" Anna said. "We don't think he knew what he was doing."

"You don't think he knew what he was doing," Elsa corrected her sharply. "I don't know what he told you, but I am not inclined to believe anything he says anytime soon."

Anna rolled her eyes and turned to Jack and Merida to explain. "We came across him in the forest. He said the trolls had brainwashed him and made him do all those things. We didn't believe him at first, but I got to thinking, and what he said made sense. I want to hear him out."

"Prince Hans is in the drawing room, Your Majesty," the attendant said, coming back in. "He is with four of our guards, for your protection."

"Thank you," Elsa replied. "Alright Anna, let's go hear what he has to say."

She led the way as they all walked down the hall to the drawing room. Hans was sitting on one of the couches, nervously looking up at the guards. He leapt up as soon as they entered the room. "Elsa –"

"You may address me as 'Your Majesty' or 'Queen,'" Elsa replied coldly. "What do you want?"

"We believe you," Anna cut in before Hans could say anything. "About the trolls. Well, I do."

He looked relieved until Kristoff added, "But you're on thin ice, so don't try anything stupid."

"Tell me what happened," Elsa ordered. "With the trolls, when they brainwashed you in the forest."

Hans took a deep breath. "When we were looking for An – er, Princess Anna, I stumbled across them. Literally," he mumbled under his breath. "I'd gotten separated from the rest of the group. They asked me questions and I heard them mention something about Anna and Kristoff, then one of them touched my head and next thing I know I'm back on my horse with my group and I can't remember how I got there. And once we got back to Arendelle, it was like I was a completely different person. I had no idea what I was doing." He stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

Anna and Elsa exchanged glances. "I don't understand why they would do it either," Anna said, "but it makes sense in regard to Hans."

Elsa looked past Anna to Kristoff, who was purposefully looking away.

She took a deep breath. "Why are you here now?"

"It feels like there's dark magic in the forest. Something evil, like a cold shadow. I don't know what it is, but it felt almost the same as how I felt in the forest that night. I wanted to tell you. I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else."

Elsa stole a glance at Jack. "Alright, fine. We'll take note of that. You're dismissed."

"Can I –" Hans faltered. "Can I stay here? Please? I don't want to go back out there," he finished in a whisper.

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