Chapter 9 - Back to the Castle

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"I brought a sled," Elsa said as they all walked outside. She was using her powers to carry her trunk down the staircase. "It's stashed over there by the side of the palace."

"I'll get it," Kristoff offered, walking over. Eugene followed him.

"Can the little snowmen go back in the palace now?" Olaf asked, looking up at Elsa.

She smiled. "Yes, I suppose they can."

"Eek!" Olaf jumped up and clapped his hands. "YOU CAN GO BACK INSIDE NOW GUYS!"

All at once, the little snowmen rushed toward them and up the stairs. Elsa just managed to step aside in time.

Kristoff and Eugene pulled the sled over to where the women and Olaf stood, and Elsa placed her trunk at the bottom. Then they all piled into it. Elsa stood at the back so she could steer, with Anna standing next to her.

"Oh, Else, we forgot to tell you," Anna said as they took off. "We found Hans."

Elsa started in surprise. "You did? Where? When?"

"On our way over here. We ran into him in the forest."

Elsa huffed. "I thought he was out of the country. Seems I'll have to see to it that he leaves again."

"No!" Anna cried involuntarily. Elsa gave her a strange look. "I mean, he came back to warn us."

"Warn us? About what? He tried to kill us last year!"

"I know, but I don't think he knew what he was doing."

"What do you mean?"

"He said the trolls brainwashed him," Kristoff replied, his voice tense. "Said they forced him to do all that."

"The trolls?" Elsa repeated. "But – no, it couldn't have been them. They've always helped us. They helped Anna, they warned me about my powers..."

"Don't you remember though?" Anna asked. "You had nearly perfect control of your powers before that. And then they scared you, and you lost control and started getting stronger but you were losing power."

Elsa faltered for a moment. "I – I don't think they meant to scare me. They were just warning me. And Mama and Papa, they were keeping me isolated. They kept me away from you. I don't think that's what they were trying to do, I don't –"

"Besides," Anna interrupted. "You said yourself that Hans saved you from getting killed when they were here. You said one of the guards was going to shoot you with an arrow, and Hans ran over and misdirected it."

"He made the chandelier fall on me!"

"Yes, but if he wanted you dead, why would he purposefully misdirect the arrow? What would be the point? And why would he save you just to try and kill you again?"

"But he did try and kill me again!"

"That's why we think he might be right," Kristoff said. "So many things from everyone's stories don't line up. This is the only explanation we've heard where everything makes sense."

Elsa looked back from Anna to Kristoff. "I don't think – the trolls, they wouldn't... why?" she whispered. "Why would they do that?"

"We think it's because they wanted me to marry Kristoff," Anna said. "They wanted one of their own in the royal family, and there I was and Hans was in the way."

Elsa's eyes immediately traveled to Kristoff, but Anna interjected. "He had nothing to do with it, Elsa. Believe me."

"If you say so," Elsa said a tad bit reluctantly. She liked Kristoff, but her sister was the most important thing to her and she'd do anything to keep her safe. "You know him better than I do, and better than you knew Hans."

They rode in silence for a few minutes.

"Can you not think of any reason why the trolls would want to scare you?" Rapunzel asked.

Elsa shook her head. "I have no idea. It doesn't make sense. They were supposed to help me."

"We can't think of anything either," Anna said. "But I'm not so sure they didn't do it on purpose."

"Well, the important thing is that Elsa is coming back," Kristoff said. "We can figure everything out about the trolls later."

"You're right," Anna said, smiling. "That is the important thing."

A few hours later they reached the castle. After they'd stowed the sled back in the stable, they all walked to the castle doors. An attendant met them in the hallway. "Your Majesty, you have a visitor in the drawing room."

"Who is it?" Elsa asked.

"Princess Merida Dunbroch of Scotland."

Elsa took a sharp intake of breath and tried to conceal her excitement. "Thank you. I will see her."

"We'll give you two some time alone," Anna said quietly. "Come find us if you want to introduce us." She and the rest of their group left the hall.

Elsa breathed in deeply and walked to the drawing room. It had been so long since she and Merida had last spoken, and she wondered what it would be like. What if the flame had burned out? What if Merida no longer felt the way she had before? But she'd answered her letter – she'd come to Arendelle. That was enough.

Elsa opened the doors and spied the familiar redhead lounging on a couch at the opposite end of the room. She was still as beautiful as she remembered, Elsa thought, blushing.

When Merida caught sight of Elsa she jumped up and ran over to her. "Elsa!"

"Mer!" Elsa cried as the two embraced.

"I was so happy to get your letter. I needed an excuse to get away. And, of course, it's great to see you."

"Wonderful to see you too."

"Where's your sister?" Merida asked.

"In the garden, I think." Elsa replied. "My cousin Rapunzel and her husband are here as well, from Corona."

"Oh, Rapunzel? The one with the magic hair?" Merida's face lit up. "I remember meeting her! She was such a thrill."

Elsa laughed. "She really is. Come on, let's go find them."

She led the way back into the hall and out to the garden. Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, and Eugene were sitting at one of the tables, talking. They looked up as Elsa and Merida stepped out.

"Merida!" Anna said, smiling as she stood.

"Hello, Anna!" Merida greeted in return.

"This is Kristoff, my boyfriend," Anna said. "Kristoff, this is Merida."

"An honor to meet you, your highness," Kristoff said, bowing his head.

Merida snorted and waved her hand. "Merida is fine. I don't do the whole 'your highness' thing."

"How have you been?" Rapunzel asked.

"Oh you know, a little royal stuff here, a little royal stuff there. My mum is driving me crazy with how many lessons I have to take."

Rapunzel laughed. "I've been there."

"You have horses, don't you?" Merida asked. "It's been forever since I've been out riding."

"We do," Anna said. "But Kristoff also has a reindeer."

"A pet reindeer?" Merida exclaimed. "Now that I have to see!"

Kristoff stood, laughing. "Yes, his name is Sven. He's in the stables, I'll introduce you." Rapunzel and Eugene stood too, and they all followed Kristoff to the stables.

Elsa couldn't help feeling a tad bit disappointed. Yes, seeing Merida had been great, but it didn't feel like how she had expected it to.

It didn't feel like when you saw Jack, a tiny voice in her head said.

And, as much as she hated to admit it, the voice was right.

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