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The ticking of a clock. The sign of time moving forwards or backwards. Or at the moment, it was the clock that was timing how long Zane was meditating underwater.

"Ten minutes." Kai said shocked as well as the other two ninja and Anirei, "He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman."

As the four of them looked down into the water, at the bottom of the ocean sat Zane, meditating on the sandy bottom. He only stopped meditating when a fish passed by, silently asking to be stroked. Zane stroked the fish before swimming back up to the surface.

"Amazing!" Cole said.

"Incredible job, Zane." Anirei praised.

"We're not worthy." Jay said playfully bowing down.

"I broke the record?" Zane asked.

"You destroyed it!" Kai boasted.

"Okay. Okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?" Jay said as Anirei went over to help Zane out of the water, "We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just hink about all we've accomplished."

Jay was referring to all the incredible feats they had accomplished, such as Zane being underwater for long periods of time by controlling his breathing with the restriction of movement. Kai was able to safely walk over miles of burning hot coals without any signs of heat exhaustion or pain from the red coals. Jay was able to conduct electricity from pure lightning without any harm coming to his body and mind. And Cole had increased his strength to the point where there was hardly anything he couldn't lift with a single hand.

"The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane questioned after he had dried off.

But Anirei did not believe that her friends had reached their true potential.

"You have a long way to go." She said chuckling at the ninja. They looked over at her curiously.

"What are you talking about?" Cole asked.

"Your full physical potential has been reached, but your spiritual potential has hardly been reached."

"Spiritual potential?" Jay repeated questioningly.

Anirei turned to face the ninja, unconsciously clutching the pendant she wore around her neck.

"Your spiritual potential, or better known as you inner potential. It is unlocked when you are of a sound mind, body and soul. Everyone in the world has obstacles that hold them back, a fear or some kind of trauma that pushes you further away from your goals. It is like being stuck in the darkness with no way out. However, when you conquer those obstacles, a light of possibilities will shine and bring you to a future you never could've imagined you would see." 

After Anirei said that, she gave the ninja one last smile before walking back towards her room.

"You have not used a quote like that for some time. Not since they perished."

"I understand my words, and they would be proud of me passing on their words onto those who are to protect Ninjago."

"But those words scar you, do they not? You have not reached your--"

"Do not begin this conversation, please." Anirei said as she opened the door to her room and sat on the bed, looking at the picture of her parents on the side table.

"They wanted me to live my life carrying on their will and their legacy. When it is time, my answer shall come and my true potential shall be reached. I will speak no more about this until the time truly comes."

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