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A long line of people stood in front of one of many different electronic stores in New Ninjago City, waiting in great anticipation for it to open. Though it was early in the morning, the people didn't care and just wanted to get inside. However, at the same time, the team of Ninja were working at the museum, asked by the owner to help move some things around in the newer exhibits and just to overall tidy up the building.

"This ends now, Samukai." Jay said, holding up a model of Samukai's skull, "Nope, pretending this is the actual Samukai doesn't make cleaning up the museum any more interesting. This is so lame. We're Ninja, not janitors."

"Come on, Jay. We're all kind of responsible for the damage to the museum." Lloyd said as he wheeled a statue of Master Chen, "After all, if we hadn't had that massive battle on the Day of the Departed, this place would still be in one piece."

"Yeah, and who's fault is that, Cole?"

Jay turned to Cole, who sighed annoyed by the fact that Jay was still blaming him for the events on the Day of the Departed.

"Okay. How many more times do I have to say I'm sorry for accidently unleashing the ghostly forces of evil that attacked Ninjago?"

"How high can you count?"

"Elder Brother Jay." Anirei walked into the room carrying a box of items, "There is no need to blame Elder Brother Cole about what happened. It happened and now we can move on."

"Thank you, Anirei." Cole smiled and tried to lift the handles of the dolly, but his arms started to glow bright orange, the light running up his arm like molten lava. Even the green scar on his forehead started to glow the same color.

"Eh, speaking of which, you're still not used to having your old, non-ghost hands back?" Jay asked.

"I'm working on it." Cole said wheeling the wheelbarrow out of the room following Jay and Anirei to the other room.

"It shouldn't take you much longer to get used to your physical body once again." Anirei smiled.

"Thanks for that, Anirei."

They all went into the other room where the others were cleaning up and organizing. Nya groaned and cracked her back in exhaustion.

"This is exhausting." She collapsed onto one of the crates she was moving, "IF I could go back in time, I'd tell Dr. Saunders we were too busy to help."

"Nya, you may recall that the rest of us once time-traveled." Zane pointed out, "It can have devastating effects, and should not be used lightly. Certainly not to get out of labor."

"It's just an expression, Zane." Nya answered.

"I... I don't believe it." Kai said, drawing his sister's attention to where he was looking on the wall. There sitting on the wall in full view was a picture of their parents, the previous master of water and father.

"What is that?" Nya asked.

"It's a portrait of... our parents."

Their mother, the master of water, looked just like Nya, with long black hair and gentle eyes. Their father, the master of fire, was much like their son Kai, with the same dark brown hair and fiery spirit that matched their power.

Nya looked on the back of the portrait to see who painted it and when it was painted. She didn't find a name of the artist, but did find a date.

"Whoa. This dates to when I was, like, three years old." Nya said.

"Shortly before they disappeared. We know so little about them, Nya."

Anirei noticed the two looking at the portrait and put down her things to walk over and see it herself. She recognized the faces of the two previous elemental masters, mainly from the one picture her parents had of them in their notebooks.

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