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Anirei's opened slowly, the sunlight flashing through the room's windows prompting her awakening in the morning. She groaned from the bright sunlight and turned over on her side, but when she did, Anirei could see Lloyd's face filled with relief.

"Lloyd?" She asked, hoping that this wasn't just another dream visit. He chuckled and smiled, placing his hand on hers as if to prove that he was real.

"Morning, Rei." He said, "You slept for a while."

"Really?" Anirei asked, sitting up on the soft bed, "How long have I been asleep?"

"About two days."

"TWO DAYS?!" Anirei exclaimed, "Oh man, my Elder Brothers must be worried sick."

"Calm down, Rei." Lloyd said, "The Ninja are just happy to see that you're back to your old self again. We understand that you were exhausted so we thought it would be best if we just let you sleep for as long as you needed it."

Anirei sighed and tore the covers from her body, seeing that she was only in a sleeping robe. She felt much better after two days of rest, her muscles were still a little stiff, but she would get over that soon.

She looked up at Lloyd who was still smiling at her, "Thanks Lloyd, for watching after me for a while. I'll be out soon to help the others."

"I'm not gonna--"

"I'll be just fine, Lloyd. Just give me about ten minutes and I'll be out to help."

Lloyd sighed, knowing that he couldn't argue with Anirei, so he nodded and left to room to go find the others outside.

He helped everyone gather the rest of Chen's minions and tie them up in nice and tight. Just as they were finished gathering the rest of the minions, they popped Chen's blimp so no on could fly off the island.

The Elemental Masters and the factory workers cheered in delight seeing Chen's belongings finally being put to rest for good.

"Sink the ferry." Jay said, "No one's getting off this island."

The Master of Nature used his power to create massive vines, which quickly sank to the boat to the bottom of the ocean's depths.

After any way to get off the island was destroyed, the Ninja, now including the long lost Zane, gathered around in the square.

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear." Cole said, "Still no sign of Chen and Clouse." 

"What about Skylar?" Kai asked, worried about the girl he fell for.

"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends." Lloyd said, "And since you're her friend, that means so are we."

"Speaking of friends, Lloyd, how's Anirei doing?" Jay asked.

Lloyd smiled back at the Ninja, "She just woke up, and she'll be coming in a few minutes."

"What? She's coming? Shouldn't Anirei have just a little more time to rest?" Zane asked.

"Oh, please, do I look like I need more rest to you, Elder Brother Zane?" A voice said from the palace doors. The Ninja turned to see a fully rested Anirei standing in the doorway, smiling and wearing a brand new Ninja uniform colored silver. 

"Anirei!" The Ninja all shouted and rushed up to hug her tightly, to which she happily repaid with her own tight hug.

"Elder Brothers, I'm so glad to see that you're okay." She said.

"And you don't know how happy we are to see you either, Anirei." Cole said.

"We thought we lost you like we lost Zane." Kai added.

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