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It was dark and rainy day for the Tournament of Elements, the thunder was roaring outside as Kai ran around the large tree in front of the arena doors to look for any sign that Zane and Anirei were nearby. 

Meanwhile, inside one of the battlefields, Skyler held a weapon in her hand while facing her opponent.

"Skyler, Master of Amber, versus Jacob, Master of Sound." Chen announced, Jacob producing sound waves with his Zitar, "Fight! Fight!"

Chen clapped in anticipation for the battle to begin, while the others in the stand were nervous about this girl in amber. Until now, they didn't know what her elemental power was, and amber was pretty vague on what her true power is.

All except for Reanii, who was smiling under her hood. Lloyd and the other Ninja looked up at her, curious about what Neuro had said the other day about not being able to read her mind. And then he saw Anirei in Clouse's mind terrified and in a dark room. Their nerves were on high, and they needed to finish this quickly.

"Eenie, meenie, minie, mo." Skyler said, Catch a Jade Blade by its toe!" She threw her weapon at one of the ceramic pots in the room while Jacob used his soundwaves to detect where Skyler had run off to.

Skyler continued to run around the room to confuse Jacob, hiding behind one of the pots before firing an arrow at Jacob's head, barely missing. Jacob, thought shocked, kept his cool and ran to dodge the arrows, even jumping off of one of the arrows to get a higher angle on Skyler. He struck his strings and played a note so powerful, that it shattered one of the pots and nearly made everyone in the audience deaf.

"The Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him." Garmadon commented.

Jacob continued to walk around, searching for Skyler who was tiptoeing as quietly as she could. When she was behind him, she placed a single finger on his back, then moved away to hide before he could see her.

Jacob placed his zitar on his back and grabbed a handful of ninja throwing stars, throwing them right at Skyler. But she was quick and jumped high in order to dodge them.

In the balcony where everyone was watching, Kai was not so quietly sneaking back in, actually mostly stepping on everyone's feet as he walked by.

"Sorry, all of these temples look the same." Kai chuckled, "Did I miss anything?"

"Argh." Jay scoffed, "By the looks of it, you didn't miss much." He gestured to the pained faces of everyone he had stepped on, "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves."

"Don't say that." Lloyd said, "We are a team. Sure we just lost Cole and still can't find Zane and Rei, but we're still a team. Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together."

"Skyler's fighting?" Kai shouted, just as Skyler shot a ball of fire at Jacob.

"What has him so excited?" Garmadon asked.

"He had a crush on her until he found out they might be related." Jay laughed.

"Aren't you all silly." Reanii said as she looked their way, "My companion's element isn't fire. It's Amber, the power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched. So, I'd say you better watch out for her the most."

"You're telling me we're not related?" Kai came up right into Reanii's face. The girl became spooked and hit Kai so hard that he fell to the floor.

"Never get that close to me again, got it fire nut!?" She said angrily. The Ninja and Garmadon looked at Reanii surprised to see her have an outburst like that, but then again, she did yell at Cole when he tried to touch her just the other day.

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