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Everyone gathered in temple to discuss what had happened. They lost the Time Blade, not only that weapon but also Master Wu, and it hit them pretty hard. However, Kai was distracted, now remembering where that symbol was from. It was imprinted on the steel materials that his father had in his smith shop. It made him think about how his father could have been connected to the Vermillion Warriors.

"Hey. This fight is far from over." Lloyd said to the other ninja, "I know we had a setback, but...."

"It's always darkest before the dawn. Blah, blah, blah. Come on. Let's get going already, okay?" Kai cut Lloyd off, his tone harsh and cold.


"We don't need a pep talk. We need action." Kai cut off Nya.

"I agree." Lloyd said, "They actually gave us a break by taking the Time Blade."

"How is that a break?" Cole asked.

"Think about it, Elder Brother Cole." Anirei spoke up, "If any of you captured something that powerful, what would you do?"

"Um, immediately haul it back home to show off to you guys." Jay suggested.

"Exactly. And unless I miss my guess, that's exactly where the Hands of Time are headed as we speak. Their home." Lloyd answered.

"So if we can find the Time Blade..."

"We can find Acronix and Krux's base."

"Elder Brother Zane, do you think you could locate the Blade with your temporal scanner?" Anirei asked.

"Attempting access." Zane's gears and processors whirred as he tried to use his temporal scanner, but he sighed in disappointment when it didn't work, "I am afraid it was damaged when we fought the Vermillion Warriors."

All of a sudden. Jay started laughing.

"I fail to see the humor, Jay."

"I still think Vermillion Warriors is a stupid name." Jay replied still giggling at the name for the group.

"I could see if the scanner on the Destiny's Bounty still works." Nya suggested.

"Yes. Good thinking, Nya." Lloyd agreed.

"And the rest of you should go to the museum. Krux his in plain sight there as Dr. Saunders for forty years. I'll bet there's a clue where their secret headquarters is."

"All right then. If that's the case then we should split up." Anirei said as everyone stood up.

"Um... I'll help you sis." Kai said as they went into their separate groups.

"One question: How are we supposed to get to the museum?" Cole asked, "Our vehicles got trashed by those snakes."

"Uh, we have the Super Sonic Raider jet." Lloyd said.

"Actually..." Jay chuckled nervously, "My dad's still kind of working on that. WE can take the lightning bike."

"Kai and I still have our old bikes." Nya said.

"Oh. What about me, Rei and Zane?" Lloyd questioned.

Misako smiled at her son, "Well... I was saving this for your birthday, but..." She took out a small remote and pressed a button. Something beeped, causing Lloyd and Anirei to jump back as the floor opened up and a platform rose from underneath, revealing a beautifully crafted vehicle that resembled the Destiny's Bounty.

"The Destiny's Shadow." She named it and gave the remote to her son. Anirei smiled at the beauty of the vehicle, excited to take the first ride with Lloyd and Zane.

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