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The sun was setting yet again on another day in Ninjago. The people were walking down the streets of Ninjago City enjoying their day as if there was no evil left in the world. However, there was one person in Ninjago that was stressed beyond thought.

Lloyd was currently pacing inside his room going out of his mind with a single question in his head: How the heck was he going to ask Anirei to hang out and not sound like a fool? It had been about two weeks since Morro was defeated and the Preeminent was destroyed, along with the Cursed Realm, and Anirei busied herself with her ninja training and her balancing meditations.

No one wanted to bother her too much, so when she was meditating, they didn't say anything to her as her meditation sessions were very important to her. But still, it seemed as if something was bothering her. Once a day, Anirei would go to a place behind the tea shop where she had created a small gravestone for Morro. Enemy or not, he was saved by her mother and father all those years ago, and she knew that her parents did everything they did for a reason.

Elder Brother Morro. That's what she called him from that point on. An honorable title that Anirei gave to those she cared about as family.

Suddenly, Lloyd was shocked out of his thoughts when he heard a knock at his door.

"Yo Lloyd!" It was Kai, "Can I come in?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Come on in." Lloyd answered and Kai came in. Upon seeing Lloyd's troubled expression, Kai's smiled faded with a worried frown.

"Hey, you okay buddy?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm all right. Just thinking about something. Don't worry about it."

"Come on, man. After everything we've been through, you can talk to me." 

Lloyd sighed and sat down on his bed, twiddling his thumbs to ease his nerves.

"Okay okay." Lloyd said keeping his eyes on his hands, "There's something that I've been wanting to do for a while now, but I'm afraid and nervous. What if it doesn't work out? What if I don't get the answer I want to hear?"

Kai looked down at the Green Ninja, thinking that he already knew exactly what Lloyd was talking about. He smiled and sat down next to Lloyd.

"It's about Anirei, isn't it?" He asked, shocking Lloyd.

"How did you--"

"Ha! You kinda make it obvious kid. Plus, you were muttering her name for a little while." Kai laughed and elbowed Lloyd on the arm, "I mean, I noticed it, and I'll be honest, I'm kinda dense when it comes to this kind of thing. So what's the deal? You finally gonna ask her out or something?"

Lloyd was hesitant, but he nodded and sighed again, "I really want to, but... I can't help feeling nervous. What if she says no? What if I take her out and I say that I like her and she doesn't feel the same way? I want to tell her how I feel about her, but if I tell her that, I may not just lose her as a friend, but our relationship might never be the same. There's just a lot of things going through my head and they all end badly."

Kai placed his hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "Look, even if something does happen between you and Anirei, good or bad, I'd doubt that she would give up on your guy's friendship. She's not the type to just leave a friend like that. Besides, it's better to know the truth than to not know anything at all, right?"

Lloyd was surprised by Kai's words of wisdom and smiled as he chuckled, "Who are you and what have you done to Kai?"

"Hey, come on now. I can have small bits of wisdom every now and then." Kai groaned and stood up to leave the room, "All I'm saying is, just go for it. If you like her, then tell her."

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