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"Perhaps you should rest for another day, child."

"I agree. Your temperature is still quite high. You mustn't push yourself like this."

Anirei sighed as she secured her cloak with the blue pin and gently brushed her fingers through her silver hair.

"My temperature is 98.7, it is no longer a high fever." She answered, looking in the small mirror the ninja had gotten her a little while after she revealed her face. They thought it was good for her to be able to properly see her face.

"Yes, but... has the pain subsided?" 

"You did feel great pain from Lightning's awakening."

"Whether I feel pain or not is not a great concern for me. What concerns me is Kai."

"What of the ninja of fire?"

Anirei looked down at her pendant, focusing on the black and red colors that swirled in the corners and peeked out of the silver lining. She knew that they would be awakening soon, and if her dreams meant anything...... them both of them were in danger.

"Elder brother Cole is to be awakening soon, that I know of. However, Elder brother Kai.... I fear his pride will the obstacle he must overcome in order to unlock his true potential. It is quite difficult to overcome something instilled at birth."

"Yes, to overcome pride is something that is difficult. It is something that many believe they need in order to survive. It is what keeps them safe from harm to their self esteem."

Anirei knew of pride. In fact, she had seen pride turn even the kindest people to someone terrifying. And from what her Mother had once said, 'Pride is something needed for all humans in the world. However, too much pride within oneself is far too dangerous. It blinds you from seeing your true self and unlocking your true potential. It must be balanced with humility, in order for you to be your best self. Remember this, my child. As you are..."

The girl stopped remembering the words of her mother, as it was far too painful to recall her voice. But perhaps what she was always taught was the truth. The pain of the past, makes you stronger for the future.

"I must be going." She said to the voices, "I understand where this conversation on my health goes, and I will not argue against you on this topic."

"But child-"

"Not this again. I have many years before I am to make a decision. Why should I make it at this moment?"

"It was your mother and father's wish for you to--"

"Make a decision when I feel prepared to make it. My decision will change my life as it is. If they were here, they would tell me to make my decision at my own pace and agree with me on waiting. I shall speak no more on this. Do you understand?"

The voices were silent after that. After all, they had no choice but to obey the child, and even if they had a choice, they would never choose to willingly leave the girl. They cared too much for her.

Anirei smiled and looked in the mirror, smiling at her reflection, when she felt a sharp pain on her back. Her once smiling face turned sad and depressed. It only felt painful when she let them out for too long. She was unbalanced.

"I will have to keep them inside for a good while. Are you all right with that?" Anirei asked.

"As long as you stay well and out of danger."

"We shall be content within you. Shall we try to balance yourself, Child?" 

Anirei nodded, taking in a deep breath and feeling some relief within her. It was a similar feeling to having a cold drink on a warm day. It was relieving in a way.

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