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The Ninja continued to fly through the darkened and thundering clouds, trying to escape the cursed spirit of Morro, who was flying closer to them on his elemental ghost dragon. Unfortunately, Morro still had custody of Anirei, her emotionless and cold body sitting right behind him while holding onto him.

The Bounty, still with the silver barrier around it, seemed to make the flying ship impenetrable. But it was only for a short time. 

"Take positions!" Sensei Wu ordered, as soon as he did, the barrier became undone, and Anirei, in a ghostly form, fell to the floor on the deck.

"Anirei!" The Ninja shouted running over to her, but they couldn't touch her in this state.

"I'm all right, Elder Brothers, don't worry about me." Anirei said, standing to her feet before levitating off the floor, "Keep the Bounty safe while I try to create another barrier."

The Ninja didn't have time to ask about what had happened to her, because just then Morro appeared on his dragon by the side of the ship.

"Ah, I give you this much. That Ninja never quits." Cole commented.

The dragon roared and fired a shot at the Bounty.

"Port side!" Zane shouted making Nya turn the Bounty to avoid the shot.

Morro continued to chase as Jay manned the cannons to try and shoot him down. However, the shots fired only missed every time. Morro fired another attack, but once again the Bounty dodged it before it could hit.

"So, let me get this straight!" Jay shouted at his Sensei, "You're just telling us now that you had another pupil before us, and now hi cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd, all so that he can take your staff?"

"Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after." Sensei Wu answered, "There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years, I had no idea."

"Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago." 

"Elder Brother Jay, this is no time to panic." Anirei said floating over to her elder brother, "Right now, we need to make sure Morro doesn't get the staff and make a plan to save Lloyd from his possession."

"If this is as fast as the Bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble." Cole mentioned as the dragon came closer.

Morro flew over the Bounty and landed on the deck, the dragon continuing to fly around the Bounty with Anire's body on its saddle.

"That's good, Rei. Keep that dragon in the sky for me until I get back." Morro said to Anirei's body, but Anirei glared at the cursed spirit.

"You dare order my body around like it's a puppet. You truly have become a vile spirit, Morro." Anirei shouted as Morro took out a pair of swords.

"I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff." Sensei Wu said.

"Kai and I will take you to our quarters while Jay and Cole will keep him busy." Zane said, pushing Sensei Wu to go below the deck.

"I'll come as well to provide extra protection." Anirei said, fazing through the deck floor.

"Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us." Cole said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time." Jay added, "Why is it that you get off with the easy task?"

"Because I'm the intelligent one." Zane said before running down the stairs with Kai and Sensei Wu.

Underneath the deck, the Ninja, Sensei Wu and Anirei rushed down the halls to make it to their room. All of a sudden, the ship jerked to the side and as the Ninja and Wu were thrown to the side, Anirei watched as Morro came in through the side door.

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