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After getting news that the snake samurai were attacking Mega Monster Amusement Park, most of the Ninja went to go help the people and see if they could find any information on why they were scrounging for metal.

"Megamonster Amusement Park? Really? Don't these guys have any sense of decency? Where does it end?" Cole shouted as they parked their vehicles.

"When they're defeated, Elder Brother Cole." Anirei said.

"And that'll be right here and now." Lloyd added as he helped his girlfriend down.

"Pixal, give me a danger analysis." Zane said, but didn't get an answer, "Pixal? Pixal, respond. I need a danger analysis."

"Here's one. The rollercoaster!" Nya shouted, pointing to the rollercoaster, which was being torn to pieces by the snake samurai. To make things worse, the coaster itself was rushing towards the missing segment.

"Zane, Cole, get up there fast!" Lloyd said and the two used their Airjitzu to get to the top of the rollercoaster.

"The rest of your, spread out. Time to make this place a snake-free zone. We can do this, team!"

Everyone nodded and put on their hoods before going into battle. Anirei ran along the ground, kicking and punching the samurai. Each time she knocked down a samurai, another would take their place, it started to get a little tedious so instead of taking down the next samurai, she grabbed him by the collar.

"Tell me who you're working for and what they want with all this metal." She demanded an answer, but the samurai didn't give an answer, hissing to give any kind of response. Knowing that she wouldn't get an answer, Anirei knocked him unconscious and left to help the others. 

Near the prize counter, she spotted Lloyd battling a few of the samurai while protecting a kid.

"Mind if I borrow these?" Lloyd asked as he took a couple servings of cotton candy, then smashed them in the samurais' faces, "What's you name?"

"I'm Johnny." The kid answered, blocking a bubble from his chewing gum. Lloyd took the gum and stuck a couple pieces of peppermint together to create a makeshift pair of nunchucks. Anirei smiled at his creativity and decided to try the same thing, but instead of candy, used her powers of light and shadows.

She concentrated her powers together and created a pair of daggers, one white and one black, then connected them together with a silver chain to keep the powers in balance. Anirei rushed over to the samurai snakes and swung her new weapon, the black blade shattering the snakes while the white blade made them stick together hard enough to keep them in place.

"Lloyd!" She shouted, rushing to his side just as he finished off the last snake. Lloyd gave the candy weapon to the boy, Johnny, who swung it around just like the Green Ninja did.

"Nice to meet you, Johnny." Lloyd said.

"You too, Lloyd. And you too, Anirei." The boy said and smiled before running off to get away from danger.

Lloyd turned to Anirei and smiled under his mask, "Nice weapon, Rei."

"Thanks, something flexible, but more accurate than you think." Anirei smiled, "Now then, shall we finish them off?"

Lloyd nodded and the two used Spinjitzu to make it past the samurai to the center of the amusement park.

"Ninja, sound off!" Lloyd shouted, kicking away another samurai.

"Is everyone okay?" Anirei added.

Nya landed by Lloyd's side, "So far... barely!"

Cole landed on his back in front of the three other ninja.

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